How to use the plugin (Development version 0.1)

To use Multiple Scoreboards, just copy the MultipleScoreboards.jar file to your plugins folder and restart or reload your server. You can go take a look at the config file if you want, and change what you want there (which is... nothing? :D)

The main command is /multiplescoreboards, but you can just type /ms, and it works the same way.

Before we jump into the commands, I want to say that ALL of the current commands are tab-completed, so, you can just use tab to see a list of available options.

To create your first Scoreboard:

/ms scoreboards add <scoreboardName> Replacing <scoreboardName> with a name for your scoreboard. Name is case-sensitive, so, you can have one scoreboard called TestScoreboard and another one called Testscoreboard. Scoreboard Names cannot have more than 1 word.

After that, you've got yourself your very first scoreboard.

To make yourself see it: /ms scoreboards show <scoreboardName> <playerName> Replacing <scoreboardName> with the name of the scoreboard you created and <playerName> with your name. Instead of <scoreboardName>, you can put "main", which will make the player see the main server's scoreboard. Trough this little tutorial, I'm going to say "main" instead of server's main scoreboard, just for quick writing :)

Note: If a player is seeing the main server's scoreboard (or any other scoreboard), and his scoreboard status gets updated, it gets updated on all of the scoreboards. This means that if I'm seeing the scoreboard main, and the scoreboard TestScoreboard has a objective that tracks deaths, if I die, the scoreboard TestScoreboard will be updated with a Death for me.

After this, if you know how to work with the vanilla /scoreboard command, you should be able to create your custom objectives for the custom scoreboard.

Just type /ms, and, if you tab complete now, you will see the options "scoreboard" and <scoreboardName> (this is obviously the scoreboard you created early), and, if you have more scoreboards already created, they will show up too.

If you just tab-complete or write the scoreboard name yourself, and you tab-complete once again, you should see pretty much the same thing as if you we're using the vanilla /scoreboard command. But, you can only use the sub-command "objectives". All of the other sub-commands are not functional YET. Of course, they will be implemented soon :D You can keep tab-completing the arguments you don't remember, and it will work like vanilla.

If you don't know how the vanilla /scoreboard command works, don't even bother jumping straight into this plugin. Go learn vanilla scoreboards first :P

I think that mostly covers it. At this version, there is no custom target selectors for command blocks. That's in my TODO list, right after implementing all of the other sub-commands.

Please, ANY, but ANY bugs you find, even if you kinda think they are not too serious, report them. Any exceptions you see in the console, report them. Report them using the ticket system that Bukkit Dev provides. I need to fix all of the bugs first, after that I can keep going with the TODO list.


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