

all permissions are lowercase only.

Admin Permissions

  • tmp.admin = required to run the /tmpadmin command to manage the plugin
  • tmp.admin.workplace = required to rename, delete, set values for workplaces of other players
  • tmp.admin.tnt = required to change the TNT Control configuration
  • tmp.admin.stopserver = required to access status, stop the server now or later, enable, disable the function

Kit Permissions

  • tmp.kit = required to be able to use the /tmpkit or /kit command
  • tmp.kit.kitname = required to be able to get the kitname kit (NOTE: the kitname in lowercase)
  • tmp.kit.proxy = Ignore cooldown, price, give kit to other players

GetPayed Permissions

  • tmp.getpayed = required to use the module function
  • tmp.getpayed.getpayed = required to use the /tmpgetpayed or /getpayed command
  • tmp.getpayed.allowpay = required to receive money for your work
  • tmp.getpayed.workplace = required to use the /tmpworkplace or /workplace command
  • tmp.getpayed.workplace.configure = required to be able to use the create, delete, rename, set value options for the workplace command
  • tmp.getpayed.priceset = required to use the /tmppriceset or /priceset command

TNT Control Permissions

  • tmp.tnt.command = required to use the tnt commad
  • tmp.tnt.command.reclaim = required to use the reclaim command
  • tmp.tnt.allowed = required to be able to place / activate TNT at all
  • = required to place TNT above the blast limit
  • tmp.tnt.abovelimit.activate = required to activate TNT above the blast limit
  • = required to place TNT on the surface
  • tmp.tnt.on.surface.activate = required to activate TNT on the surface

AutoStop Permissions

  • tmp.ass.memory = required to use the /tmpmemory or /memory command to display java memory usage

Attack Control Permissions

  • = no Monsters or Snowmans attacks you
  • = no Monster attacks you
  • = where XXXX is: blaze, cavespider, creeper, enderdragon, enderman, ghast, giant, magmacube, pigzombie, silverfish, skeleton, slime, snowman, spider, wolf, zombie

Rail and Redstone Permissions

  • = allow breaking of redstone
  • = allow placing of redstone
  • tmp.rarp.rails.break = allow breaking of rails
  • = allow placing of rails

Creative Switch Permissions

  • tmp.cs = player is in creative mode


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