AutoStop Configuration

AutoStop Configuration

# TheMonkeyPack 0.4 by [Don Redhorse]
# Configuration File for module [AutoStopServer]
# For detailed assistance please visit:

# Configuration Version
configVer: "1.0"

#-------- Module Configuration

# --- AutoStop Configuration

# Enable the AutoStop feature. 
enableAutoStop: true
# Interval to stop the server, can be fractions of an hour, eg. 2.5 
autoStopInterval: 4.0
# Interval to stop the server, can be fractions of an hour, eg. 2.5 
warningTimes: [10.0, 5.0, 2.0, 1.0]

# --- Translation Features

# Almost everything player visible can be translated!
# Please change to your liking and use the following variables
# %m = minutes

# Warning Message displayed to announce server stop.
WarningMessage: "Server will be stopped in %m minutes"
# Message displayed when the server goes down.
StopMessage: "Server is going down. Be back soon!"


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