Capture mobs and get eggs legitimately:
Version: 3.18
This project has moved over to SpigotMC!
Thank you guys so much for all the downloads on BukkitDev. Head on over to SpigotMC to download the latest version of MobCatcher.
This page will no longer be updated.
MobCatcher allows players to capture mobs and get the corresponding spawn eggs. This is useful for trading and transporting mobs from player to player or even across worlds. As well as having a configurable capture item, MobCatcher also boasts configurable mob types and item costs per capture, bringing a new economic value to mob types both peaceful and hostile. MobCatcher is able to store and recall mob specific data saved to specific spawn eggs. This means things like capturing and spawning colored sheep, baby animals, and tamed wolves is possible! This is done via a separate .dat file which saves data for each mob and removes it when that mob is spawned.Try it out on your server today!
This plugin collects basic usage information for You may opt out in the generated pluginMetrics config file.
- Capturing configurable mob types
- Saves mob data to specific spawn eggs (color, age, tamed, etc.)
- Spout custom spawn eggs
- Spout textures via automatic dropbox download. May be disabled in config file
- Respects Towny regions
- Getting spawn eggs without creative mode
- Makes spawn eggs throwable
- Configurable capture item, including projectiles
- Configurable costs for every mob type
- Sign-based mob protection
- Vault Economy support!
- Percent Chance for captures
- Eggs are used up after spawning a mob
- Dispensers can shoot spawn eggs at higher speeds
- Doesn't interfere with players in Creative Mode
Help Pages
Permissions Nodes
Config File Help
Sign-Based Protection Help
Bukkit Forums
All you have to do is hold an egg (configurable) and left click on the mob you wish to capture. Its really that easy.
/mobc - Displays all command usage
/mobc item - Displays Capture item setting
/mobc clean - Removes data from a spawn egg itemstack.
/mobc projectiles - Displays current projectile settings
/mobc settings [mob type] - Displays settings
/mobc worlds - Displays which worlds MobCatcher is enabled in
/mobc area - displays how many Protection Signs the player is within the radius of
/mobc resetsigndata - Deletes all saved sign data
For help with the config file and permissions nodes, see the corresponding pages here.
Version 3.18
- Updated for 1.7.10-R0.1 #3105
- Fixed bug: MustBeKilled now working properly
- Fixed bug: Mob drops are now properly cancelled for killed captures
- Fixed bug: Mobs captured with MustBeKilled now spawn back with full health
Version 3.17
- Updated for 1.7.9-R0.1 #3078
Version 3.16
- Updated for 1.7.5-R0.1 Dev #3039
For earlier changes, see Files Page
MobCatcher will NOT work if you are not using the version of CB it was intended for. Due to the Bukkit "safeguard' system, MobCatcher will break every version change. Do NOT post tickets or comments about ClassNotFoundExceptions or infinite spawning glitches as these are caused by you using the wrong version.
Before posting a bug, check your server console for a giant red error message.
Top Supporters
Along with scythesgod, mobcatcher is still not compatible with 1.11. It would be great if you could update it as soon as possible, for it is very useful. Thank you so much!
The server I am on has run mobcatcher for as long as I have been a member but with the recent update to 1.11 it is not compatible. Please update the plugin, it is one of the most useful out there.
Sehr gutes Plugin aber nicht zu gebrauchen weder Vault (geld wird nicht abgezogen) noch permissions jeder kann es nutzen habe keine kontrolle drĂ¼ber
That's correct, assuming you're using the Lite version. If you want mob data to be saved, you need to purchase the full version on SpigotMC, unfortunately.
Please Help, I have been trying to find the problem for an hour now and I really can't see whats wrong. Every mob i captured has the message in the bottom saying - MobCatcher Lite: NO DATA SAVED(in red) and when I run the server - [MobCatcher] signdata file and mobdata files are empty why is it saying that? I don't even have the "giant red error message" or any crash reports. And I'am using the correct version.
Looks like I accidentally uploaded the full version here as well. All I can say is "You're Welcome" to those of you who downloaded it in time, lol.
Lite builds for both 1.8.0 and 1.8.3 are now uploaded and awaiting approval.
The latest builds of the full and lite versions for both 1.8.0 and 1.8.3 are now available on SpigotMC.
I suppose I'll continue uploading the lite version here for the time being since people are still downloading it.
In the mean time, I wrote a like 10 line plugin to add a permission node to changing the type of spawners using spawn eggs.
Required permission to change spawners: spawnegg.allowspawner
plugin file: Link Removed:
The next version will definitely have permissions nodes for that, over on SpigotMC
Currently, all players can right click a spawner with a spawn egg (even ones from this plugin) and change the spawner type. Could you perhaps add an option to disable that for non-op players, or players without a certain permission?
EggCatcher doesn't accomplish half of the features that the full version of MobCatcher has. You can use whichever plugin you like, but I think a quick look at the download numbers will tell you which is the better plugin.
Yet another good reason to use EggCatcher instead! Thanks for info.
What would be cool, is that mythic mob compatibility with your plugin :)
If you can work something around that, i congrat you bud.
I've released a version of MobCatcher Lite over here. Once it's approved you can use it on 1.8, but it won't have all the features of the full version. Head over to Spigot to get the full version for minecraft 1.8.
The 25% OFF sale on the full version of MobCatcher will end Sunday at 4:16PM EST.
Hey Everyone,
I know a lot of you have been asking, so here's the date. The full version of MobCatcher will be uploaded Saturday at 3pm. Once it is approved by the Spigot staff it will be $7.50 (25% OFF!) for 24 hours only. Make sure you're watching or you'll miss it!
I know a lot of you have been asking for this for a long time and I'd like to thank you for your continued support and patience. If you have any questions, please PM me. I'd love to talk to you.
It's built on 1.8-R0.1 and it won't work on any older version
Do i need a specific version of Sprigot to run it?
Alright, everybody!
Thanks for your patience. MobCatcher LITE is now up on SpigotMC.
Once I have the permission I'll be getting the full version up on Premium soon.
Im fine, its my players that have been nagging me, all night from different time zones I keep getting skype messages. Lol
I truly respect teh dev and how long it take, trust me, I know how long it takes to modify minecraft (Forge Modder)