
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


The popular card game Memory, also known as Concentration or Pairs, is now available for minecraft! Memory is a quick and fun game to play when someone needs a break from building, farming and mining. It is extremely easy to play, as is the setup of a default game. With the manual setup option, more ambitious admins can customize almost anything and create their own, individual setups.

Playing the Game

The cards Memory is usually played with are represented by item frames. To start a game, right-click the PLAY-sign near the frame field. The frames will turn empty (if they aren't already). Each frame has a dedicated item, where two frames have one of the same type. Choose two frames by right-clicking them, so they will display their item. If both items are the same, you found a new pair and they will remain visible. Otherwise the two frames will turn blank after a moment and you have to try again. Goal is, to find all pairs, so in the end, all items are visible.

Default Setup

If you want to quit a game before you are done, simply type /memory quit. The rules can be displayed at any time by using the command /memory rules.

Create a Game

To create a game, you need the permission Memory.setup. Go to the location you want your game to be placed. Then type /memory create [name], replaceing the [name]-parameter with an unique name for this game. The plugin will now attempt to create a game in front of you, if there is nothing in its way.

Manually Setup a Game

If you want to create a custom game, you need the same permission as before Memory.setup. Start by typing /memory setup [name] where [name] is again replaced by an unique game name. Then start placing an even number of frames on a wall or wherever you want them to be. Don't fill any of them with items yet. When you are done placing the frames, type /memory done. Now fill half of the placed frames with items of your choice. Note: all items have to have a different ID. A different data value, i.e. coloured wool is not enough. After filling half of the frames, the plugin will ask you to place the PLAY-sing. To do so, just place an empty sign near the frames.

Delete a Game

Memory protects all frames and blocks involved in a game. No player can destroy them. To delete a game, use the command /memory delete [name]. This works for both, automatically and manually created games. The Permission for this command is Memory.setup.


Memory.playAllows to play Memory games
Memory.setupAllows to create new Memory games

There is only one config option right now:

Cofig.Blacklist: Items on this list won't be choosen in an automatically generated game. You can still use them in manual setup.

Check out my other Plugins

NoEnderpeal - Blocks the teleport funktion of enderpearls in chosen regions or worlds

BuildContest - Makes managing build contests on your server very easy.

NoEggPort - Keeps Players from stealing dragon eggs from regions they don't have permission for.


  • v. 1.1
    • Fixed permissions for /memory quit and /memory rules
    • Added HighScore System:
      • /memory highscore
      • /memory myscore
      • /memory resethighscore
    • Fixed a typo in the "area obstructed message"
    • The success msg no longer appears when creating a game failes

  • v. 1.0
    • initial release

Planned Features

  • Customizable messages
  • Optional reward
  • Customizable material for default games

If you have any further suggestions, please let me know :)

-Although having tested this plugin on different servers in many situations without any problems, I cannot guarantee the functionality with your individual setup, and cannot be held responsible for any loss. If you have any errors, please report them providing the complete server log of this error, aswell as a list with your installed plugins and I will try to fix it.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 25, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jan 6, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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