

(Thanks SinSeeker for the image!)


This is a massive change of how minecraft physics works. Floating blocks? None. Everything falls down, entirely intact. For example, try chopping a tree with this: tree If the tree isn't connected to the world it will fall down and suffocate you with its leaves. Another example is a player building a huge 1*1 dirt pillar. Tired of those? Just stand on the ground and smash it down! There are many, many more uses for this plugin just waiting around the corner to be explored. (Tip: Redstone)

(Short) This plugin checks if a collection of blocks that is not over the block limit(default 2000 blocks) isn't connected to the world/bedrock, and will then move it as far down as it can.

What if I have built my whole base on a big floating island?

No problem. As long as the block count of the floating island is over 2000 blocks(two 10*10*10 cubes) it won't fall down. (Configurable value)

What's the point of this plugin?

Minecraft is quite boring with floating blocks, don't you think?


This is a very CPU intensive plugin as it has to check for structures that can fall down every time a player modifies the world. It's not a problem as long as you have a powerful server, and you could even raise the block limit alot.

Current permission nodes: "mehgravity.nocheck": Won't check gravity for that player. Current commands: None.


This plugin is using Metrics which means that this plugin collects data about your server configuration. Currently it collects the default Metrics data:

  • How many servers are running this plugin
  • How many players there are total on the servers
  • Your server's Java version
  • Your server's operating system
  • The amount of cores in your server's cpu
  • Metrics version data

All of which can be viewed to the public here:

Note: You can easily disable Metrics by setting "useMetrics" to "false" in the config.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 2, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jan 15, 2017
  • Total Downloads
  • License

