
This will walk you through each one of the McftPromotions configuration files.

Main settings

Default configuration file:

# McftPromotions settings file
usesPrefixes = true

The main configuration file currently only has one setting, which allows you to disable the prefix for user's names on promote/demote notices.


Default configuration file:

# Command = Group
# Command is the command used to promote/demote.
# Group is the group that the command will promote/demote to.
# Do not add a # before your lines. These are just comments/examples.
# admin = Admin

This configuration file is used to specify commands that are used to change a users group, and specify what group to change the user to.

This is quite simple, for every command that you want, add a new line that looks like this:

mod = Moderator

The above example creates the command /mod on your server and when used will change a users rank to Moderator. So to make Jim a Moderator, you would use /mod Jim. It's that simple.


Default configuration file:

# Group = a
# This will allow you to have proper grammar in your promotion/demotion notices.
# Group is the group that the grammar setting is for.
# a is where you need to specify either a or an.
# Do not add a # before your lines. These are just comments/examples.
# The example below would produce 'Jim is now an Owner! Congratulations!'
# Owner = an

This configuration file is used to allow you to have correct grammar in server notices for promotions/demotions. This is also quite simple. Add a new line to the configuration file that looks like this:

Moderator = a

The above example will make notices read Jim is now a Moderator! Ouch! or Jim is now a Moderator! Congratulations!. That's it.

Group Order

Default configuration file:

# Group = #
# This is used to specify the order of ranks used in demotion/promotion messages.
# Group is the group.
# # is where you need to specify a number in the order of power.
# Do not add a # before your lines. These are just comments/examples.
# Guest = 1
# Member = 2
# Admin = 3

This is quite important for notices to show if a user was demoted or promoted. You must have a line for every group on your server or notices will be boring and white for users demoted/promoted from a group that isn't defined. To better understand this, this configuration file is just like that of the PermissionsEx group ladder. It puts groups in a ladder (in order of power). The higher a number, the more power a user has. Take a look at the example below:

Griefer = 0
Default = 1
Builder = 2
Moderator = 3

If Jim is a Moderator and then is demoted to Builder it will say Jim is now a Moderator! Ouch!.