MobControl 42,000+ Downloads!

Manta Mob Control: By MishMash
Version: 1.2.5
User Download: (Thanks for 43000 Downloads !) (For Bukkit Versions 1.3)

My Website:

This plugin was created to allow users to control which Mobs spawn and which do not. This will prevent any animal from spawning in all circumstances
when you have set it to false in the text file. This plugin can also despawn all mobs that are set to disabled in all worlds. This Plugin Has Multi-World Support.

Works on Releases:

- 1.3(All Builds)
- 1.1RB
- 1337(1.8 RB)
- 1597 (1.0.1 RB)
- 1.1R1 (Snapshot)

This mod provides being able to turn off Annoying Mobs like:

Main Features:

Updated for 1.3!
Control which Mobs can spawn and which can't.
Despawn all disabled mobs across All worlds.
Multi-world support between main Worlds, Nether and the-end.
Cancels out all forms of mob-Spawning if a mob is disabled.#
Helps reduce lag as server is processing less mobs, especially when unecessary mobs such as Squid and Villagers are turned off.

Video setup tutorial:
This is just a video showing you how the plugin works and what you need to do to get it to work.

Mob Control v1.0 | Minecraft Bukkit Plugin | Tutorial & Setup

you can change whether any of the Minecraft mods spawn or not.

Setting Up:

On first run, the plugin will create a text file with the properties in it, this will then allow you to change which mobs spawn and which dont in a format
like this:

<<code>>MobControl - Settings

Global Settings DespawnCurrentMobs=true SendUserMessage=true

Peaceful Mobs SpawnPigs=true SpawnCows=true SpawnChickens=true SpawnMooshrooms=true SpawnSheep=true SpawnSquid=true SpawnVillager=true

Passive Mobs SpawnEnderman=true SpawnPigman=true

Tameable Mobs SpawnWolf=true SpawnOcelot=false

Agressive Mobs SpawnBlaze=true SpawnCaveSpider=true SpawnCreeper=true SpawnGhast=true SpawnMagmaCube=true SpawnSilverfish=true SpawnSkeleton=true SpawnSlime=true SpawnSpider=true SpawnZombie=true

Other Mobs SpawnEnderDragon=true SpawnSnowGolem=true SpawnGiant=true SpawnIronGolem=false<</code>>

if DespawnCurrentMobs is set to true, this will despawn any mobs that are Disabled that are already present in the world.

This mod works across all worlds the server has.
If you have any problems please tell me down here. Same goes for Bugs and glitches.
Thanks MishMash.

Change Log:

Version 1.2.5:
+ Updated to latest Bukkit build [1.2.5 R4]
+ Fixed Slime spawn Glitch.
Version 1.2:
+ Updated for 1.2 Using New Bukkit API
+ Added Ocelot Mob to the plugin - Ocelot spawning can now be controlled.
+ Added Iron Golem Mob to the plugin.
Version 1.1.2:
+ Fixed mob spawning bug for villagers and squid.
+ Fixed a glitch in the file which caused a value to be reverted to false.
Version 1.1:
+ Reformatted text file slightly. Making it easier for future updates, even if file layout changes, old settings will be kept.
+ Fixed a glitch with the spawning of Creepers.
+ Added a feature to turn off the login message for users.
Version 1.0:
+ Mob Spawning control for all Mobs in MC v1.0.
+ Despawn control for mobs currently in worlds.
+ Works across all worlds.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 11, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Sep 25, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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