

  • Beacon - repeatedly summons fireworks as a signal
  • Clone - Copies an entity and spawns it at the same position (different uuid)
  • Damage - Damages the entity in your line of sight, or destroys a block
  • Look for an Easter egg in the source
  • Elder - Sets an entity's health to 1, enabling easy killing
  • Field - Deflects spells back to caster
  • Fire - Sets an entity or block on fire
  • Fling - Pushes an enity in the direction you're looking at, or away
  • Freeze - Encases an enity in ice, or turns block into packed ice
  • Heal - Sets an entity's health to max
  • Invisible - Turns a LivingEntity invisible/visible
  • Meteor - Summons a Fireball per entity in your radius at (X, 255, Z)
  • Poison - Poisons an entity
  • Pull - Does the opposite of Fling
  • Teleport - Teleports an entity
  • Thief - Steals the item a player is holding
  • Vamp - Leeches health from entities
  • XPDrain - Steals XP from a player
  • Zap - Summons lightning


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