
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Note: All of my projects have been converted to public domain. See for more information.

Intro: You grasp the arrow in your hands, speak the ancient language, and the arrow takes on a fierce blue glow. A moment later, a creeper is frozen solid after being pierced through the skull with a new kind of weapon. You, the users, have spoken. You want magic arrows? You got 'em! As if you didn't have enough to choose from, now use even MORE arrow types with this brand new "add-in" for MoArrows. This plugin uses the MoArrows API to add 10 new projectiles to your arsenal. Please note, this is NOT a standalone plugin. It -requires- MoArrows version 2.2.0 or later to run. .


- Add magic arrow types to MoArrows!
- health, harm, ice, sap, capture, volley, push, pull, water, wall
- Perfect for an arcane archer class!
- see -this page- for detailed descriptions of all arrow types.
- Use the magic arrows separately, or combine effects with MoArrows types to create amazing combos! (i.e. poison ice arrow anyone?)
- Control who can use what arrows with the MoArrows permissions support!
- Add item costs for arrow types! Want the player to have 2 ice blocks for an ice arrow? No problem!
- Add up to 10 item type requirements (64 items per requirement max) per arrow!
- (You will never need more than this.)
- New cooldown support in addition to the item requirement system!
- Use each system independantly, or in combination.
- (Cooldowns only apply to MagicArrows arrow types.)
- All of the same region protection support you get from MoArrows!

- Install MoArrows v2.2.0 (or later) first! -see this page-.
- Delete or remove previous version's MagicArrows files from the server's plugin directory (if applicable)
- Run the server with the MagicArrows jar in the plugins folder to generate the default config
- Edit config to your desire (see the default config -on this page-)
- Install a permissions plugin, preferably PermissionsBukkit 1.6 or PermissionsEX 1.19.1
- (optional) Install WorldGuard and WorldEdit
- Add or remove permissions to your liking (see sample permissions -on this page-)
- Restart your server for all changes to take effect
- TEST YOUR SETUP before going live with your users!
- Submit questions or bug reports if necessary

- left click WITH ARROW to cycle through arrow types
- Shift+left click to cycle backwards
- /magicarrows help - shows a quick command reference
- /magicarrows help [arrowtype] - displays arrow summary and required materials
- /magicarrows reload - reloads all config.yml values
- /magicarrows version - displays the server's version of MagicArrows

magicarrows.use.all (enabled for OPs by default)
magicarrows.bypassmaterials (enabled for OPs by default)
magicarrows.bypasscooldowns (enabled for OPs by default)
magicarrows.dualeffect (allows combined arrow effects, i.e., poison + ice)
magicarrows.use.[arrow type goes here]
magicarrows.reload (enabled for OPs by default)
Arrow types are currently health, harm, ice, sap, capture, volley, push, pull, water, and wall.
Note: All arrow types except "normal" arrows are DISABLED by default! Set default or group user permissions to enable arrows!

Change Log
Please see v0.1.0 download page for the full changelog.


This software is, and always will be, free for anyone to use at any time. If you own a server that receives donations based partially on the use of this (or any other) plugin, please remember the hours of work it takes to develop, test, update, and repair the plugins that you use. Support your hard working developers with a donation of your own! =)

Special thanks: A big shout out goes to Shanko ( for being the first server owner to beta test for me. I couldn't have completed the Towny support without the testing from Zombiemold ( Factions support wouldn't have happened without Imkingoflive and spacecakexD. Also, I am incredibly grateful for those of you who've donated to this project so far, as well as those of you who are considering doing so in the future. Last, but not least, thanks to all of you, MoArrows is currently #43 on the Top 100 Server Mods and climbing. I never imagined this plugin would get that popular. Thank you!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 11, 2012
  • Last Released File
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