Plugin under development!
This plugin has not been updated since MC version 1.5 so some if not all features will not work. While I find the time to update and expand it please use starcomedon's fork of this same plugin. you can find it Here!
What is MachinaCraft?
MachinaCraft is a framework for machines made up out of blocks, activated by right-clicking on a lever. It is modular and includes several plugins that can make repetitive tasks easier, such as digging or building in a line, even placing and clearing bodies of water. Because it is modular, other plugins can also use MachinaCraft to make their own activatable machines.
How do I build a Machina?
Similar to crafting something on a crafting table, but in the game world. Place blocks in the world in a predefined way and put a lever on the right block. Rightclick the lever, and if you built it correctly, the Machina will activate.
A demonstration please!
- Plugin Showcase by WoopaGaming
- A video series in German by BukkitDE - 1, 2, 3
Machina Plugin Info & Permissions
These are the Machina plugins available right now, included in the download:
- MachinaDrill
- MachinaBuilder
- MachinaPump
- HoverPad
- MachinaFactory
- MachinaPlanter
- MachinaRedstoneBridge
On their respective pages you can find pictures, instructions how to build them, and the permission nodes available for them.
Plugins that work with MachinaCraft
- SignShop 2 can activate a machina with a sign, possibly with a cost.
To enable all machinacraft permissions at once, replace your server's permissions.yml with the included permissions.yml. (or add the contents if you already have something there)
This works even if you do not have a permissions plugin.
If you do have a permissions plugin and want more control, you can change the default in permissions.yml to 'op' and use the global permission node:
Are you having trouble getting MachinaCraft to work? Take a look at the Troubleshooting page.
Anti Cheating Plugins
Does your server use an anti cheating plugin such as NoCheatPlus? See MachinaCraft and other plugins.
Plugin Developers
MachinaCraft allows other plugins to register a blueprint for the Machina they implement. When a player rightclicks a lever, MachinaCraft will ask each registered blueprint to detect itself at that location. If successful, a new Machina is created from that blueprint.
MachinaCraft will periodically ask the Machina to check its integrity, and if successful send a heartbeat in which it can take action. The Machina can inform MachinaCraft when it should receive the next heartbeat, what its new location is (if any), or deactivate itself.
Included is an optional framework that:
- Simplifies specifying the blueprint
- Implements the integrity check for your Machina using the above blueprint
- Can move a Machina 1 block up, down, north, east, south, west
- Can teleport the Machina to a location
- Can rotate the Machina
- Can detect collisions for move, teleport, rotate actions
- Supports blocks that have additional data such as torches, levers, rails, and blocks with inventory such as furnaces and chests
- Support for optional modules.
Plugin developers looking for an example can take a look at the code for MachinaCraft.
On Hiatus
Short version: I'm on hiatus from Minecraft and developing this plugin, but the source code is available for anyone who wants to fork this and continue development.
Long version: As some of you may know, I haven't updated MachinaCraft in some time and I wanted to explain a little bit. Minecraft has taken a back seat for me in the last couple months. Also, the server I play on is Forge-based rather than Bukkit-based, which means I haven't been able to play with the results of my own plugin for a long time now. That has been a real motivation killer which is why there hasn't been any real development activity.
So it hasn't been an easy decision but I'm now officially on hiatus. My apologies to you who were hoping for more updates and even more features or cool machines - unfortunately I won't be the one implementing them. The project is open source however, and I hope there is someone out there who is willing to pick up the torch - you've got my blessing if you do.
Last but not least, a thanks to everyone who visited this site, helped out others with their questions when I wasn't around to answer them, or just had fun with the plugin! :)
To plugin developers
You're free to fork the project and continue under a new name, or use this project page to release an update, just contact me and I'll add you as an author. If you do want to pick up development I'd be happy to give some pointers via PM or irc (#bukkitdev) to help you get familiarized with the code.
The source code is available on the repository under the machinacraft4 branch.
i'm going to see how hard to update this plugin, i hate see plugin like this T-T
Please, let me know if you can update it :D
I'll be ready to download it, and install it my hub servers :)
lot of the code is out of data but can be update tho, redoing some of the code
i just remember there a plugin call fun slime it as a lot of same stuff but with more thing with it.
Sounds good :) I hope you can bring back the plugin from the death :)
In reply to Xcrafter245:
Are you planning on updating this plugin for 1.9? It is such a cool plugin and was so useful for so many versions of Minecraft.
Machina Craft worked fine on Spigot 1.8.7 and does not with the 1.8.8 update. I will be downgrading my server, as this plugin was important to me and my players.
To the Owner: While your hiatus is announced, we would LOVE you to fix this plugin and update it. You have no idea how intregal it has become to my server in the last 3 years, ESP because it worked with all the updates. I am VERY bummed that updating to Spigot 1.8.8 broke it finally.
1.8 update anyone? Shit is brokehn as fuck.
I'am currently using Spigot 1.8.8, and I can't seem to get this plugin working, is their any download that would work? I truly love this plugin, aswel as so do my fellow players. If this could be updated to 1.8.8 , it would truly mean alot.
Best Regards, GamerSynchro
Any thoughts on updating this plugin to 1.8? I would love to have it on my server! I used to play on a server with this plugin back in version 1.5, and enjoyed using it.
I installed this plugin on my server, but it wont work. I don't have any cheat plugins, and I'm building the Machinas the way it's tellign me to. I'm using fuel, and making sure there's blocks for it to dig. But nothing works. Got any idea why it might not be working?
I never thought I'd have an issue with it on 1.6.4. I am making a 1.6.4 server and the planter will not plant anything other than netherwart. It will till the dirt, and harvest everything but will not plant seeds for nothing. Its under the sun, I made sure no other plugins are interfering, I set all the permissions, even tho I am OP. It will only plant netherwarts. Im beating my head off my desk trying every configuration I can to make it work and no luck. Is it just not going to work on 1.6.4 even tho Ive seen it working for 1.7.2 in the comments?
Yes for me works the planter also for the new plantable stuff if i spell it correctly :P
Pls update this is the best :D
Pls Update this Plugin <33 I love this plugin
Can the planter plant potatoes, carrots, sugar cane?
It took about 2 days to get the files approved. I wonder if I was told up to 3 months just so I'd have nothing to complain about if it took a little long.