Version 1.4.1
This Plugin was made for PhatLoots but works perfectly by its self
This plugin is a simple way to create custom Lores for Items. You hold the Item in your hand and use one of the commands below. Color can be added by using the & character.
- /lore name <custom name> - Set the new Name of the Item
- /lore owner<custom name> - Change the Owner of a Skull
- /lore add <line of text> - Add a line to the lore
- /lore set <line #> <line of text> - Change a line of the lore
- /lore insert<line #> <line of text> - Insert a line into the lore
- /loot delete [line #] - Delete a line of the lore (last line by default)
- /lore clear - Clear all lines of the lore
- /lore undo - Undoes your last modification (up to 5 times)
Permission Nodes:
- lores.lore - Needed to modify an item's lore
- lores.name - Needed to change the name of an item
- lores.owner - Needed to set the owner of a skull
- lores.color - Needed to add color codes to lore
- lores.format - Needed to add format codes to lore
- lores.admin - Parent node for all above permissions
I love this plugin! It is a very pointless plugin, but its so fun! Great job, Codisimus!
Would be awesome if one could add italic lores/item names
Hai hai, I come to you with a suggestion/request! Is there a way to make a config for what items can be renamed? I am having a problem with players renaming every last item into lewd things for shtz n giggles and at first, yea its funny but now its time to get serious :D It would be something like:
renamable items: - 301 - 302
and so on. I think being able to limit the items they can rename would help control alot of the renaming abuse (:
Just installed this plugin and i'm a bit confused..
Can you not add a name to an item with spaces in it?
It looks a bit stupid having an item called "Sword_of_power"
I meand vanilla items are called "Diamond Sword" with a gap.
Can we not replicate this? As whenever I use a space as such: /lore name Sword of Fire /lore add This sword uses fire to burn it's foes!
I get Internal error messages.
Oh well. Forced to use vanilla items still does not affect the fact that this plugin is awesome. Damn I'm having fun with it :)
Lore information is saved as an Array List of type String inside the ItemMeta.
Lores are probably stored on the item. And maybe modded items don't support lores yet? I can be wrong
Where is the Lore saved btw?
If it helps the ingame console says:
An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command
While the server console says:
[SEVERE] null
org.bukkit.command.CommandException Unhandled exception executing command 'lore' in plugin Lores v1.2.0
Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException 725
I have no skill or knowledge at all when it comes to coding, but it feels like the problem is that the modded items have a to high ID or something?
I'm asking this more just to see if I'd be on the right track cause that make me kinda proud. :P
I have gone though it many times and I know for sure it is the object I'm holding that affects it.
I hold a vanilla object and it works, I switch to holding a modded object and it gives me an error. Since I just press arrow up to get the same command I just typed before I know I don't do any error in spelling.
I even tried moving the modded item into the same slot as the vanilla just in case but no use. So, yes, it is giving an error even for the /lore command. It is strange to since I didn't think it checked anything but obviously something is being checked.
I suspect there is a different issue. I never even look at the item if all that is typed is '/lore'
EDIT: be sure that you are not adding an 's' at the end of the command. Sorry if that is confusing being that the plugin name has an 's'.
This only works for vanilla objects? Holding an object from Twilight Forest for instance gives me an error even if all I do is tyoe /lores for the commandlist
Thanks much dude. Good luck on your work, and thanks for the quick response. I didn't know if this should be considered a PhatLoots comment or Lores. Also, thank you for the experience over ride, that would be exceptional.
I will add something to make experience override optional. Also the update is coming but like I said many times it requires a completely new save format so it will take another week or so.
BTW, this is related to PhatLoots not Lores.
So when is this update you speak of coming out to fix lore saving? It seems like the exact problem is in replicating the original "lore'd" item. As in, when it drops a copy of the item you "/loot add hand'd" it has lost it's lore name and description but still contains the default minecraft values you have given it. Such as enchantments or dyes. I saved all my items in a chest before giving them to mob drops and those ones still have their lore info.
Another thing I'd like to mention... Would it be possible to make it so when you add a mob to a loot table (ie: "/loot make Pig") the default xp value isn't set to 0. I didn't realize until the next morning that all mobs I had added loot drops to had lost all xp drops. I had to go in and individually add each mobs default minecraft value xp drop. I didn't even check, but is there an option for this in the files?
Yes, all the data for a specific phatloot will be in a single yml, including all item descriptions.
Will it be saved in a .yml file now?
I changed the save format for PhatLoots. so in the next update you will not have issues like lore not being saved.
This happened to me too when making a custom player head with v1.2.0.
At first it saved the data and everything worked but then I restarted the server and it was just a regular Steve head. I looked at my loot file and sure enough, it had lost the data for the owner of the skull. It just said 397 instead of (Artlune)397+TEST.
You can manually add the item descriptions again to get it working. Until then, hopefully lore added by Lores is saved correctly.
Note the 266+TEST. TEST will be the name of the .txt file in your Item Descriptions folder.
No, here is a copy of my first chest:
It all worked perfectly until I reset my server. And there are no current, errors in the screen.