Lightning Strike on Ban

Hello Minecrafters! This is my first plugin that I am putting on Bukkit and it causes lightning to strike at the location of a player who is about to be banned. If the player is offline at the time of the ban, then lightning will strike the spawn of the world that the person who bans them is located in. The lightning will not damage where it strikes.

This is basically more for fun than anything else, but it gives a bit of satisfaction when the player is banned.

This plugin is configurable to different servers. It has a spot in the configuration file for the node used for banning, and can also be changed to use a different command for banning (the default is /ban).

To have it work, simply add the node your server uses for banning to the config after "Ban Node: ". If you use a different banning command then "/ban" be sure to also change the command you use in "Ban Command: ".

For a video on what this plugin does click here:

This plugin was made originally for (Server IP:

Have fun!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 21, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Apr 22, 2012
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