This plugin gives players the ability to increase their maximum health just by gaining experience levels. Every few levels a player gains, his maximum health will increase. LevelHearts is highly configurable offers a set of command to change health and maximum health of any player! No client mods required!
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Available in Polish, Portuguese, Russian and Thai
What it does
LevelHearts makes your maximum health increase when you gain levels:
Click on an icon to learn more!
This is as simple as it gets: Just put it into your /plugins folder of your server and your good to go! Enjoy!
/health | Displays your current health and let's you change it. |
/maxhealth | Displays your current maximum health and let's you change it. |
/lvlhearts | Displays LevelHearts version and generic help. |
LevelHearts will automatically generate a config.yml configuration file. If you want to reset or update it, just remove the current one and LevelHearts will create a new one. In the configuration file, you can change default maximum health and limit, increase level interval, permissions, particle effects, and more!
Pre Made Configurations
Just replace the downloaded config.yml with your current one and reload the server.
u7uu7u7's Style | Maxhealth increases every 10 levels; when you die, you loose your maxhealth. | Download | Pastebin |
yogbox Style | You start with 3 ❤ and your maxhealth increases every 5 levels. | Download | Pastebin |
More Health Enhanced Mod Style | You start with 20 ❤ and your maxhealth increases every 5 levels. | Download | Pastebin |
Feel free to submit your own configurations!
Supported Level Modes
By default, LevelHearts will use the default Minecraft experience level to calculate the maxhealth levels. You can change the level mode in config.yml / maxHealth.levelMode. Supported modes are (other plugins may add new modes):
- exp: Vanilla experience levels
- combatLevel: McCombatLevel
Report Issues / Suggest Feature
Please use our issue tracker to report issues and suggest features.
Metrics / Update checking
Since v1.4.7 this plugin sends statistics information to bstats.org (and in versions prior since v1.2 to mstats.org). You can disable it in config.yml / enableMetrics = false. Also the plugin checks dev.bukkit.org if there is a new version available. LevelHearts will not download anything to your server and will just print a message with the download link. You can opt-out this in config.yml / updateChecking.enabled = false.
Is there any way to get this to read mcMMO levels WITHOUT mcCombatLevel? It won't load in 1.13.1, and I'm not savvy enough to fix it myself :(
In reply to RevJesus:
In reply to Zettelkasten:
Is there a way to disable that "level 0" message under a users name. I had healthbar and now it shows your level under the usertag, not the hearts of the player
In reply to authenticaljonny:
Please update to 1.13!
In reply to borichi:
Heho! Danke, freut mich, wenn es euch gefällt!
Aber klar, ich bin immer offen für neue Ideen :) Schick mir am besten eine PM.
P.S. Sorry für die verspätete Antwort, Curse hatte meinen Account fehlerhafterweise deaktiviert, und ich brauchte ein bisschen, um ihn wieder zurückzubekommen :)
Sehr schönes Plugin - nutze es auf der 1.10.2 Version von Spigot und es existieren keinerlei Bugs.
Btw - darf man Dir Plugin Ideen geben? :)
Hearts disappear when opening inventory [v1.4.5, MCv1.10]
I don't know what took me so long, but I finally released v1.4.5 containing this feature!
i'd like to have the ability to set the level that the plugin starts to add hearts.
i dont want it to be from level 1 up.
i'd like to be able to set it to start gaining hearts only after level 30
Hi! Did author read the tickets ??
I really like the idea of the plugin and would like to use it on my server but there is 1 issue. When I where to switch multiverse worlds rapidly the exp would glitch and one exp value would overwrite the exp value I had in the other world. I use multiinvs and it switches the exp values automatically but this plugin causes glitch when switching worlds rapidly causing exp overwrites in seperate worlds. Anyway to fix this? Thank You.
is better : )
Hey there, running into an odd bug on the latest version and have an odd bug report to go with it: http://pastebin.com/ZYVLkdYF
I am using a Cauldron server. Perhaps becasue certain mods can increase your HP it is conflicting? I also have mccombat level and have the levelmode set to that.
I am planning to add that, but currently I'm on holidays. I'll try to get to this when I'm back.
disabledWorlds configuration option? That would be awesome. Thanks.