Kits is a simple yet deceptively powerful plugin allowing you to create, edit and spawn custom kits in-game. When creating and editing a kit, you are provided an inventory in which you will be able to place any item into; changes are made when this inventory is closed.
- Manage Kits entirely in-game with a custom-size inventory GUI for you to add items to or remove items from.
- Everything is drag n' drop
- Create a kit with any name. Kit names are not case sensitive.
- Store any item, with any stack size, name, lore and enchantment; you get back what you added.
- Spawn a kit by clicking on a kit sign.
- Toggle Player inventory overwrite for individual kits.
- Create complete inventory kits.
- Add delays between kits. Kits can have their own individual delays.
- Simple in-game commands displayed and explained below!
- Works with CB 1.7.10-R0.1; works with previous versions that support the UUID changes.
- Hopefully fixed time delay issues.
- Time delay expressions can now be stated literally ("1 month and 2 days, 3 hours & 4 minutes" is a valid expression)
- Cleaned some code.
- Added support for Gravity's updater.
Kits is open source and available on GitHub. There's also an API for developers to create their own plugins that hook into Kits:
This plugin utilizes Gravity's plugin update system. By default, it only checks if any updates are available. You can disable the updater in the config by setting enabled to false. types of updates:
- default - automatically update if the current version of Kits is out of date.
- force - automatically update regardless of the current version
- check - do not download, only check the latest version.
This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to
- A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- The plugin's version
- The server's version
- The OS version/name and architecture
- The core count for the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version
- Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.
Hi im working on my server and im having problems using this plugin.You would use a kit on a sign or with a command once, and it spawns it, but if you try to spawn the kit once more it comes up with an error, An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command, and to get it to work again you have to reload the server...... If anyone has any thing similar and knows how to fix it please help!!
Having an issue where the kits are appearing in the players armor slot and only four of the items spawning because of this. Any help please?
Great plugin and i have used it on my previous server and I am about to start up a new one but i wanted to know if it would be possible to have a kit buy sign for a kit use. Or even a kit permission buy sign so one could buy the kit permssion and use it( where i would then make sure the kits have a delay and yay). If this is please let me know how i can do this exactly and if it is not a current feature would you please consider adding it?
Yeah, I'm having the same issue, if you can figure it out let me know!
I am no longer replying to comments regarding bugs and issues. From now on, please use the ticket feature, which will help provide me with more details in order to resolve your issue.
I just started using you plugin and whenever I try to set the delay to one day it ends up being 1 year and one hour long. Please help!
oh it used to say allows players to make [kit] signs BUT HEY, IT WORKED! thx :D :D :D :D
Give your players the permission node "kits.sign" only, they will be able to spawn kits. kit signs can have flags on them too. :)
Hi, i want to use this plugin for KitPvP because of the sign kits, but i want the players to not to have permission to do /kit, only the sign. plz help
@DragonPhase: Ok thank you, I just say that because that happened to me. "Kit" was in blue soI could not get it, then I removed it an voila it worked. Sorry to ask but can you add in support for "Battle Arena"? That would be great thank you.
Thanks for the help guys. As I am only running a small family server I have gone back to essentials kits they have run flawlessly for me and are already integrated into my stable server. Maybe if I have more spare time in the future I can give this another try.
Should not need to remove Essentials. If a plugin contains commands that essentials uses, it will override the essentials command (/kit and /kits for example.) Essentials is great that way.
@carvland Please try to remove or disable the "Essentials" Plugn.
Please could you submit a ticket with an extensive explanation on how to reproduce the error. Screenshots, plugin list and server startup log should also be included. Thanks
I have tried it both ways, with essentials kits hashed out and left in (essentials config) both methods give me the same error :(
Yes like I said in my first message I can give the kits to people no problems from the command line. Kits are tested and not working only on the Signs. Maybe it is another plugin causing the issues.
@calvand: Hey dude, I believe the issue is "Essentials" The issue is that essentials has a "Sign Kit". I recommend getting rid of essentials as they are a lot more simpler essentials that gives you less useless things and uses less ram, While this plugin is one of the best kit plugins.
And you have made sure the start kit exists?
I made it fairly simple hard to get "start" wrong after writing 20 different ways I am sure it correct
First Line: [kit] Second Line: start
Make sure the spelling of the kit is correct.