Kits is a simple yet deceptively powerful plugin allowing you to create, edit and spawn custom kits in-game. When creating and editing a kit, you are provided an inventory in which you will be able to place any item into; changes are made when this inventory is closed.
- Manage Kits entirely in-game with a custom-size inventory GUI for you to add items to or remove items from.
- Everything is drag n' drop
- Create a kit with any name. Kit names are not case sensitive.
- Store any item, with any stack size, name, lore and enchantment; you get back what you added.
- Spawn a kit by clicking on a kit sign.
- Toggle Player inventory overwrite for individual kits.
- Create complete inventory kits.
- Add delays between kits. Kits can have their own individual delays.
- Simple in-game commands displayed and explained below!
- Works with CB 1.7.10-R0.1; works with previous versions that support the UUID changes.
- Hopefully fixed time delay issues.
- Time delay expressions can now be stated literally ("1 month and 2 days, 3 hours & 4 minutes" is a valid expression)
- Cleaned some code.
- Added support for Gravity's updater.
Kits is open source and available on GitHub. There's also an API for developers to create their own plugins that hook into Kits:
This plugin utilizes Gravity's plugin update system. By default, it only checks if any updates are available. You can disable the updater in the config by setting enabled to false. types of updates:
- default - automatically update if the current version of Kits is out of date.
- force - automatically update regardless of the current version
- check - do not download, only check the latest version.
This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to
- A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- The plugin's version
- The server's version
- The OS version/name and architecture
- The core count for the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version
- Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.
Hi! If you set a delay for more than 8 hours with any variable, it automatically sets it to 1 year! Can you please fix this problem? Thanks!!
Same issue
I can make a kit with potion effects?
you can't use kit signs. Probably because of the essentials plugin. I tried various things, but it keeps on saying kit doesn't exist. The command works fine... ???
When I try and create a kit, it works fine. But when I try and use the kit, it gives me a internal error. For Example, me creating kit pvp, I put a sword in kit pvp. Afterwards. When I try and use /kit pvp, it gives me that error. Please help me. Also, the kits config doesnt load. It gives me the file, but nothing inside of the kits config.
can you tell me how to let players only get kits by clicking the signs? thanks
Amazing plugin! I would love if you changed the kit list, so you only see the kits you have permission to spawn, also a language configuration would really improve the plugin!
I hope you consider this :)
Does it Work With atributes?
i know a bug, if u put delay for a kit, an the player put's /kit vip and /kit Vip, other Time /kit vip , the kit bug and cause a that the kit dosen't got delay :P
I set it to `1 day or 1d and then someone tested it and now it says 1 year. I really cant wait too long because this is the only easy kit plugin.
I'm pretty sure the last commit I made for the existing Kits.jar file was secure, I was specifically testing delay times. I don't see what could be causing the issue. I've since made additional changes, all of which seem to work just fine. I'll update Kits soon with the latest version, just to be sure.
I have not tested yet to see if the delay actually works. Lets say I set a kit for 12 hours delay and it outputs as "1 year", perhaps it's just giving the wrong time. That almost seems kind of weird for it to say 12 hours is 1 year. What's the last commit you made to fix delays?
I did respond to your ticket.
I'm working on this issue, and can't understand what could be causing it. I'm reworking some code so bear with me.
Kit times are incredibly messed up. Anything up to 5 hours works fine. Any delay above 6 hours turns into 1 year.
Yeah I have the same problem, They really need to patch it
I opened a ticket maybe 2 days ago still havent responded but heres my problem, When i put in a delay ill put seconds for days and it wont work players can still /kit (kitname) all they want. I even put in 9999999 for seconds it said 12 minutes for the kit delay I was like wtf? is that mili seconds? so then i added another 9 to it and it said 1yr 1hour I have no clue if im putting in the delay wrong but plz help me!!
Is possible create a kit with one item with attributes?
Most permissions plugins support per-world permissions, so you can give players specific permissions for specific worlds. You'd have to read up more on this for the permissions plugin you are using.
@XMercyX @charleyx115
Make sure there are no conflicting plugins and that you have set up your server correctly. If the error persists, please submit a ticket which may help me further identify any problems you may be encountering.
This is an interesting idea. I will look into adding economy support for future versions.
A message to all:
With the recent changes that have led to Bukkit being shut down, I am unable to say whether or not I will be supporting Kits for the most recent version, however, when an alternative server mod is developed, I will try to support that.
Currently, Sponge is a likely solution, and may allow me to make kit creation a lot easier than it has been using Bukkit. Until the official Plugin API is released, I will try and support Sponge, but I am not making promises due to the lack of time I may be willing to commit to Kits' development.
I want to thank everyone for supporting me through the development of Kits and everyone who used Kits as a preferred plugin in all cases. It makes me proud that others are using my software which is designed to make things easier than it has ever been in the community.
Hello i currently have a survival server with limited to no pvp im exploring different options to add it and i'm looking to add a single pvp arena or pvp world to my existing server and i was curious if this plugin can be restricted to a server region or world with multiverse? Thank you for your time.
if it cannot is there any other options for a kit pvp plugin that i could use... Thanks again!