Kits is a simple yet deceptively powerful plugin allowing you to create, edit and spawn custom kits in-game. When creating and editing a kit, you are provided an inventory in which you will be able to place any item into; changes are made when this inventory is closed.
- Manage Kits entirely in-game with a custom-size inventory GUI for you to add items to or remove items from.
- Everything is drag n' drop
- Create a kit with any name. Kit names are not case sensitive.
- Store any item, with any stack size, name, lore and enchantment; you get back what you added.
- Spawn a kit by clicking on a kit sign.
- Toggle Player inventory overwrite for individual kits.
- Create complete inventory kits.
- Add delays between kits. Kits can have their own individual delays.
- Simple in-game commands displayed and explained below!
- Works with CB 1.7.10-R0.1; works with previous versions that support the UUID changes.
- Hopefully fixed time delay issues.
- Time delay expressions can now be stated literally ("1 month and 2 days, 3 hours & 4 minutes" is a valid expression)
- Cleaned some code.
- Added support for Gravity's updater.
Kits is open source and available on GitHub. There's also an API for developers to create their own plugins that hook into Kits:
This plugin utilizes Gravity's plugin update system. By default, it only checks if any updates are available. You can disable the updater in the config by setting enabled to false. types of updates:
- default - automatically update if the current version of Kits is out of date.
- force - automatically update regardless of the current version
- check - do not download, only check the latest version.
This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to
- A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- The plugin's version
- The server's version
- The OS version/name and architecture
- The core count for the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version
- Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.
My kits are working great all permission are working. I can not get signs to work, I have tested my kit prior to creating the sign and when the sign is clicked I receive the error "error: That kit does not exist". I know it does because I have used it and it come up when I type /kits. Can anyone help??
It's parsed into milliseconds so it can be used to check against the system's current time, which is also in milliseconds. You can use seconds though, as a time expression:
becomes 10 minutes 20 seconds, or 620000 milliseconds. Also, you can edit the overwrite value in-game using /kit edit kitname overwrite [true|false]
Is there some reason the delay is in milliseconds instead on seconds now?
you have to go into the kits.yml file and set each kits "overwrite" from true to false.
Waiting for patch.
Such an amazing plugin, too bad it deletes your armour tho :(
A patch for this is awaiting approval.
when you use a kit it deletes the armor youre wearing.
Are you using Kits 2.0? Do both of your kits have delays? Do any of your players have the "kits.nodelay.elite" permission node?
Please create a ticket if you have any further issues.
My Players have found a glitch. If they do ./kit Starter then ./kit Elite multiple times it overrides the inbuilt timer and you can keep spawning the kits. Please fix this....
Had to look through the source for it, but its 'kits.list'.
My players dont have permission for /kits. Whats the perm for /kits??
Hope you all enjoy the tutorial and hope it makes the plugin more understandable! :)
/kit edit kitname overwrite false
This will set the default overwrite of the kit. You can use flags to do this without changing the default:
/kit kitname -overwrite
But you need to have the kits.flags.overwrite permission node.
Not currently, Dragonphase is currently working on the issue.
It clears your inventory when you use the kit? Can this be fixed?
Ok i found that when you get the kit it clears your inventory first and i dont know how to fix that can you help?
players have found glitch :( if u do /kit test and tehn /kit TEST and back and forth it overrides the inbuilt timer and u can keep spawning the kits :( Please let me know how to resolve.
can you please add something like kits per world