Configuration - Kits

Configuration - Kits


Note 1: It is advisable to use in game commands as if you do mess up the configuration, it may need resetting.

Default configuration

# KingKits Kits Configuration.
First run: false
  GUI Item:
    Amount: 1
    Data: 0
      Type: IRON_HELMET
      Data: 0
      Data: 0
      Type: IRON_BOOTS
      Data: 0
      Dye: 10040115
      Data: 0
  Cooldown: 0
  - feed <player>
  - tell <player> &6You have been fed for using the default kit.
    Slot 0:
      Type: IRON_SWORD
      Name: Default Kit Sword
      Amount: 1
      Data: 0
        DURABILITY: 3
      - '&6Iron Slayer'
    Slot 1:
      Type: GOLDEN_APPLE
      Amount: 2
      Data: 0
    Slot 2:
      Type: POTION
      Amount: 1
      Data: 8201
  Potion Effects:
      Level: 2
      Duration: 10
  Cost: 0.0
  Name: Default

How to make a kit

1. Open the file located in "plugins/KingKits/kits/config.yml" with a good text editor such as Notepad + + (Highly advisable)

2. Under the last kit, make a new line.

3. Type the kit name.

4. Make a new line and leave 2 spaces (not tabs) and type the display name of the kit.

5. To add a cooldown, make a new line with 2 spaces after and type "Cooldown: " and then your kit cooldown.

6. To add a cost, make a new line with 2 spaces after and type "Cost: " and then your kit's cost, make sure to make it a decimal number. (add a .0 at the end if it's an integer)

7. To add commands to the kit specificly, make a new line with 2 spaces after and type "Commands:" then a new line with 2 spaces then "- " and then your command. You can have as many of these as you like.

8. To add a GUI Item, make a new line with 2 spaces and type "GUI Item:" then new line, 2 spaces, "Type: " and the ID of the GUI Item or the Item Enum. You can add an optional "Amount: <amount>" and "Data: <data>".

9. To add items, make a new line with 2 spaces and type "Items:". Under it, make a new line with 4 spaces before typing and type "Slot " and then the slot number in the inventory (0 being the first, 35 being the last), then type the Material ID or Material Enum on a new line with 6 spaces and after "Type: ". You can specific either the Amount and the Data.