
Here you are capable of editing each plugin print outs to your specific language. Enjoy

Step 1

  • Install the plugin

Step 2

  • Edit lang.yml
    • Changing only the nodes

Step 3 (Optional)

  • Applying colors
    • Such as: &1, &2, &3, etc.

Step 4 (Where it is needed)

  • Applying Plugin variables (Where Appropriate)
    • %N = Port Name
    • %D = Port Description
    • %P = Price (or number of pages for list)
    • %X = X Co-ordinate
    • %Y = Y Co-ordinate
    • %Z = Z Co-ordinate
    • %T = Total amount of pages (Use with %P)

# Language File: en_UK
    enabled: "Plugin sucessfully loaded."
    disabled: "Plugin has been disabled."
    loaded: "Port loaded"
    saved: "Port saved"
    noPermission: "&cYou don't have permission."
    numExpected: "&cNumber expected, string received instead."
    errorOccurred: "&cAn error has occurred. See console."
    notEnoughArgs: "&cNot enough Arguments!"
    invalidPage: "&cInvalid Page number."
    portAlreadyExists: "&cPort %N already exists."
    portDoesntExist: "&cPort %N does not exist."
    noRegionSelected: "&cYou have not selected a region! Use &4/jp select&c."
    enabled: "&aSelection mode enabled!"
    disabled: "&aSelection mode disabled!"
    point1: "&aPoint 1 selected. &7(&a%X&7, &a%Y&7, &a%Z&7)"
    point2: "&aPoint 2 selected. &7(&a%X&7, &a%Y&7, &a%Z&7)"
    reset: "&aPoints reset."
createdRegion: "&aSucessfully created JumpPort '%N'"
    ports: "&6Listing all JumpPorts &7(&cPage %P/%T&7)"
    entryEnabled: "&a%N &7- %D (&b%P&7)"
    entryDisabled: "&c%N &7- %D (&b%P&7)"
    disabled: "&cPort not active."
    cancelled: "&7Teleport Cancelled."
    noTarget: "&7This port does not yet have a target!"
    onArrival: "&7Welcome to %D (%P)"
    triggered: "&aWould you like to teleport to &b%D&a?"
    price: "&7This will cost you &a%P&7."
    triggers: "&7Accept the teleport by Jumping. Or walk away to cancel."
    setPrice: "&7Set the price of &a%N&7 to &a%P&7."
    setRegion: "&7Set the region of &a%N&7."
    portDeleted: "&7Deleted port &a%N&7."
    targetAdded: "&7Target has been added to &a%N&7."
    targetsDeleted: "&7All targets have been removed for &a%N&7."
    setEnabled: "&7Port &a%N&7 is now &aenabled&7."
    noLongerInstant: "&7Port &a%N&7 is no longer instant."
    nowInstant: "&7Port &a%N&7 is now instant."
    setDescription: "&7Description of &a%N&7 is now '&b%D&7'."


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