Quote:Tired of boring teleportation? Even from other plugins? Well, heres your solution. With many random ways you can teleport, this plugin is great for you! Create a pad, where you can trigger your teleportation with various effects all configurable, and even intercept other plugin's teleportation and add in an after effect.
Like the plugin? Want more features? Best motivation, donations! Donate via PayPal!
(Thanks to IngrownPenguin)
TruDan's Version: http:www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDf2TcuRuS8
Português (graças a AbsintoJ): http:www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZfhneFQvvs
(Note, this video is for the JumpPorts 1.2, 2.0 has similar commands, but a new video will be up soon)
- Option to have a harmless lightning strike on the player and/or thunder sound
DONE! - Option to have per-port triggers (e.g. disable/enable some triggers per port)
- Option to have per-port after/before effects (So set different ports to have different potion effects from the default)
- BungeeCord Support
- Console commands as well as player commands to be executed inside a port
- - Get more suggestions?
Hold on... Are you about to comment an issue? Please check the Issue or Bug section above. Check if your issue is already there, if not, post it. It really makes a difference!
update this plugin, please. The best plugin of ports/portals and doesn´t work very well in 1.7.9
I'll PM you some better contact info.
Works great! But now, ports no longer work if set to instant... Nothing happens when going through them! #23
Edit: it's even worse. Now all ports will teleport me randomly to other ports targets!
Edit 2: OK now I'm desperate. Targets were messed up. I created a port "test", secified target. Worked fine. Created "test2", specified different target. It brings me to "test" target. Now every new port created bring me to "test" target. If I redo the targets of existing ports, they tp me to "test" target. I deleted the port "test", every port still tp me to "test" target.
Edit 3: Reverted plugin to last approved. Everything is as it was before. I had a real good scare!
That would be useful, If i updated the version number each time... XD I guess i need to make something automated that does that... #23
Trying it out very soon!
It would also be nice if you added a "/jp version" command. I don't have access to console so it's impossible for me to know what version is currently installed.
Yes, should do! I havent had the issue on my server, so you should be good. It was saving the world, but when it was checking for the port, it wasnt checking the world
Edit: You may find build 19 more helpful :) If theres a later one, use that. i dont think #7 or #8 actually works.
Great! Thank you.
Does #8 also fix the multiworld issue?
O.o okay i'll try and edit it now, the new version is on a halt atm due to exams and progress with my server. I need to edit the old plugin anyway to make it not spam commands inside the portal, so give me a few moments.
Also, the dev url should work again, had some issues with our proxy.
Edit: Try out Dev URL 7: http://jenkins.dwdg.net/job/JumpPorts/7/
Or if by the time you're on, 8 might be available, which will fix the command spamming
Remember when I said I was sometimes teleported randomly to targets? I've isolated the cause:
Plugin doesn't seem to get along very well with MultiWorld. If I make a port in a world, then the port also exists at the same coords in every other worlds. This is a total showstopper for us!
The link you gave me leads to "bad gateway" error. Can you repost it pls?
Edit: well, everything on jenkins.dwdg.net leads to "502 bad gateway".
Yes I've dealt with region flags quite a bit. Sounds nice!
Thanks for the link, we'll try it as soon as we can.
Havent had any time in a while, and i won't have any time until June to continue the plugin. But i've started a complete re-code where its all going to be using flags.
e.g. each effect will be a flag, commands will be a flag. If you've used WorldGuard, you'll know what i mean, its a similar system to that.
As with the command to target, use %player%
http://jenkins.dwdg.net/job/JumpPorts/6/ <- That has %player% in it, please bare in mind that the files on the site i just linked are experiemental, and may have bugs, they are also not checked by bukkitdev.
How can I add a command that targets the player who uses the portal? Current selectors (@a, @p...) dont work. %p or %P don't work either.
ex: /jp commands add TestPortal playsound random.fuse @p[r=8] gives this error when used: "Player @p not found"
Oh that makes a lot of sense.
Btw, port defaults are set to enable=true, teleport=true & instant=true in config. But I still have to issue each command individually for each new portal in order for them to be enabled, instant, and teleports.
And, I always get the message "Teleport Cancelled" AFTER it teleports me to my destination...
Apart from those 2 small problems, it's the best teleport plugin out there! I love how it can place you in the center of a block. Having multiple targets is awesome. Being able to charge a price or issue a command when used is the cherry on top!
/jp enable enabled/disables the whole port. /jp teleport just enables/disabled the teleporting side of the port (since you can use them to run commands also)
It doesn't for that msg? I'll remove it then! :)
Can you tell me the fundamental differences between /jp enable and /jp teleport? For me both commands yield the same results, basically turning the port on or off.
I mean as in the plugin doesnt change %P for that perticular message.
and JP doesnt randomize targets, it only randomly chooses from targets that you set to it. E.g. if you set a bunch of targets for a port, it will randomly choose between them.
To stop having to do that, shutdown the server, edit the plugin's config.yml and change the portDefaults to have enabled: true, isTeleport: true, instant: true or isInstant: true (is should already be in the config but as false) then when you make new ports, it will use those values.
How could it be "not configured to" in those messages?
As for the random teleport... That only happened to me. I didn't get any reports from any other player on the server. I remember having use the compass (to go though walls) and the /jumpto command earlier, both times it happened. Both times I was OP in creative. I tried to reproduce it without any success. Not an issue atm.
We also use the RandomLocation plugin, but we'll probably discard it if JumpPorts cuts it for us. We use it because it can give the player a custom loadout when going through, which is useful for arenas.
Why is it I always have to do /jp enable, /jp teleport and /jp instant on each portal creation, even though all 3 parameters are set to true in portDefaults?
Yes the %P should be replaced with the players name i think, unless its not configured to in that specific message.
and Strange :S are theyre any similar plugins running? because i don't see anywhere in my code that it can create random portals and teleport immediately.
- I needed our portals to be really instant, so I disabled both effects and set the portal delay to zero. So this is a non-issue for me at the moment!
- I couldn't be standing within another port. It does that in my test world, where I have only one portal, and the target set to at least 50 blocks from it.
- The plugin returns "Welcome to PlaceX (%P)" in the chat after teleporting. Shouldn't the (%P) be replaced by the player's name?
- Something that happened twice, I get randomly teleported to a random target, without going through any portal. It happened while I was exploring the world, I wasn't anywhere near any portal at the time, I got tp'ed to the spawn of another world (multiworld). That didn't happen to anyone else.