How to use the Plugin | Commands


The Command Page

Set up a Jump'n'Run

  1. Set the spawnpoint. /jump setspawn. If a player type /jump or falls into water or lava, he respawn there.
  2. Set the Lobbypoint. /jump setlobby. If a player leave or finish the Jump'n'Run he respawn here!
  3. Make Checkpoints. Set a sign. First line: "[jump]", second line "checkpoint"!
  4. Write the finish sign:

//" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">" alt="Write in first line "[Jump]" and in the second "finish"." title="Write in first line "[Jump]" and in the second "finish".">

Remember: Water and Lava ports the player back to the beginning.


  • Sponge: Rocket the player!
  • Goldblock: Gives the player speed!
  • Obsidian: Makes the player blind!


  • jump.admin - Allows to use /jump setspawn, stop, start, list and create signs.
  • jump.use - Allows to use Signs, /jump an /jump leave.