How to Create you Own Song & Sound

< . . . How to Create you Own Song / Sound . . . >

  • To create a song (or sound):
    1. Just add a new list like the example ones in the config and choose a name for it.
    2. Each line means a sound/note, each note has three values ​​separated by colons -> SOUND NAME : SOUND DATA : DELAY
    3. You can use any sound/note from this list:
    4. For flat sounds (non-note block sounds) use "0" as sound data, BUT, some of them as the ENDERMAN_TELEPORT has more than 1.
    5. For note block notes/sounds, use sound datas from 0 to 24, some help:
    6. So, finally you can create songs, chords, or just play sounds, check the examples in the "songs.yml" and play them with the "/juke play <song>" command to see how it works.


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