
  checkDelay: 5
  AutoUpdate: true
    message: Warning, %Service% is Down!
    MCwebsite: false
    login: false
    session: false
    account: false
    auth: false
    skins: false
    authserver: false
    sessionserver: false
    MOTD: false
    MOTDmessage: Warning, %Service% is Down!

This is the config of V0.1.0.20. Most of the config is straight forward and disabled by default (except for the Auto updater and Status Checker).

Settings:        plugin settings
  checkDelay:    how long in minutes to wait before checking the service again
  AutoUpdate:    Enable auto updating when a new file is approved on 
  announce:      announcement settings
    message:     announcement message for chat/console
    MCwebsite:   announce if the Minecraft website is down
    login:       announce if the login servers are down
    session:     announce if the session service is down
    account:     announce if the account service is down
    auth:        announce if the authentication service is down
    skins:       announce if the skins service is down 
    authserver:  announce if the authentication servers are down
    sessionserver: announce if the session servers are down
    MOTD:        announce through the MOTD in the servers list for players who are "Locked Out" 
    MOTDmessage: Message for announcing in the MOTD


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