Island World (SkyBlock replacement)
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IslandWorld is simple plugin which can replace old inactive project SkyBlock Co-Op. My plugin is highly customizable and configurable.
You can run classic version 'skyblock like', after simple change you can make islands on sea or even lava world.
- Step-by-step installation guide
- Installation video guides
- Default configuration with descriptions
- Region spacing explanation
- Commands list
- Permissions
- API for devs
- RTFM PAGE - Read it before you ask stupid questions
From version 7.0 additional features are offered through addons.
- Head Rank - Ranking using player heads and tables.
- Shop List - Public list of available on server shops.
- Challenges - Challenges to do for skyblock players.
This plugin has a built-in auto-updater, which connects to BukkitDev to check for updates. If you, for some reason, wish to disable this process, you can do so by setting 'version-check' to false in plugin configuration file.
There is enough info why plugin doesnt work correctly! **
In reply to Gnacik:
In reply to DADXCraft:
In reply to Gnacik:
In reply to DADXCraft:
Hello I translated your plugin into Spanish, but I need your help the plugin is well configured but in the console it gives an error, can you help me? I will send the translation to Spanish for you to share
Hi, I have some problems with your plugin, to create an island to see the sides i see land (i see a flat world) can you help me to disappear flat world please? and another problem is that I put / is visit (Player) and I see an error with spawn and one more, how much does it charge me for its plugin 100% configured? like the old when he was alive, also the islands are small, I move 40 blocks and I'm in another one helps me please, he also does not let me go to the nether if I have it activated
In reply to DADXCraft:
hello, I resolved the flat world, but I have 2 more problems, would you help me to configure the measures please?
world-block-id: 0
island-height: 72
island-y-move: 0
island-size: 150
region-spacing: 30
region-step: 0
How do I put the island in the middle of the measurements? what does "Region-step, Island-and-Move and world-block-id" refer to?
And how do I activate the nether for the skyblock? in survival if I can go, but in skyblock not
In reply to DADXCraft:
In reply to DADXCraft:
In reply to DADXCraft:
In reply to Forge_User_39533267:
Przy przeliczeniu punktow nie zalicza pierwszej warstwy bloków czyli można jakiś fix
Czy mozna zrobic tak by nie offalo /is fly po wylogowaniu lub utracie neta ?
In reply to Poldek119:
Czy jest jakaś permisja na :
death-item-drop: false
Gracze nadal traca itemy po śmierci
Bo nie działa
In reply to Poldek119:
Pojawił się problem z /is sethome, otóż nie sprawdza bezpieczeństwa home stworzonych z /is sethome nazwa ale home stworzonego z /is sethome sprawdza i trzeba naprawiac jak jest cos nie tak. Teraz przy tworzeniu np /is sethome test i zastawieniu go blokami mozna sie zabic. W configuracji jedyne opcje dotyczace bezpiecznego sprawdzania home jest tylko na ten /is sethome a na /is sethome nazwa nic nie bylo.
In reply to Forge_User_85849443:
Nie wiem dlaczego ( może to przez update tego co dałeś na strzyżenie owiec) ale nagle gracze mogą budować na spacing-region. Czym to może być spowodowane ?
island-height: 40
island-y-move: 0
island-size: 200
region-spacing: 40
schematic-move: 103
2.Czy istnieje możliwość nadania uprawnień tylko na komendę /is clearcreatelimit.
Chciałbym nadać to grupie modów.
In reply to Poldek119: