

Note: A few commands have changed or have been removed. This page need updating.
Name Syntax Description Permissions
About /ipc about Displays information about IP-Check ipcheck.use
Ban /ipc ban <PLAYER | IP> [MESSAGE] Bans the player or IP specified. In addition, this command will also ban any alternative accounts associated, plus ban the IP address. ipcheck.use, ipcheck.ban
Ban-All /ipc banall <START_TIME> <STOP_TIME | now> [MESSAGE] Bans all accounts found within the specified time frame. Time Argument Formatting: 1d2h3m4s ipcheck.use, ipcheck.ban, ipcheck.banall
Block /ipc block <COUNTRY_ID | help> Blocks the country specified, preventing anyone from joining the server from said country. ipcheck.use, ipcheck.block
Check /ipc <PLAYER | IP> Displays information about the player or IP specified. ipcheck.use
Exempt /ipc exempt <PLAYER | IP> Exempts the player or IP specified from events-checking. ipcheck.use, ipcheck.exempt
Exempt-List (all) /ipc exempt-list Displays all players and IPs that are exempt from events-checking. ipcheck.use, ipcheck.list, ipcheck.showip
Exempt-List (IP) /ipc exempt-list ip Displays all IPs which are exempt from events-checking. ipcheck.use, ipcheck.list, ipcheck.showip
Exempt-List (player) /ipc exempt-list player Displays all players who are exempt from events-checking. ipcheck.use, ipcheck.list
Help /ipc help [PAGE] Provides information about all of the associated IP-Check commands. ipcheck.use
Kick /ipc kick <PLAYER | IP> [MESSAGE] Kicks all players linked to the player or IP specified. ipcheck.use, ipcheck.kick
Modify Ban /ipc modban <PLAYER> <MESSAGE> Allows you to modify the ban message of any banned player. ipcheck.use, ipcheck.banmodify
Protect /ipc protect <PLAYER> Protects the specified player from being banned by IP-Check. ipcheck.use, ipcheck.protect
Purge /ipc purge <PLAYER | IP> Deletes records of the IP or Player name specified. ipcheck.use, ipcheck.purge
Reload /ipc reload Reloads the IP-Check plugin. ipcheck.use, ipcheck.reload
Scan /ipc scan Scans all players currently online to check for any who may possess multiple accounts. ipcheck.use, ipcheck.scan
Single-Ban /ipc sban <PLAYER> [MESSAGE] Bans a single player from your server. ipcheck.use, ipcheck.ban
Status /ipc status Displays IP-Check usage statistics. ipcheck.use
Toggle /ipc toggle <OPTION_ID | help> Toggles the specified option. For a list of options, type "/ipc toggle help". ipcheck.use, ipcheck.toggle
Unban /ipc unban <PLAYER | IP> Unbans the Player or IP specified. Additionally, unbans any associated accounts, plus the IP-Address. ipcheck.use, ipcheck.unban
Unban-All /ipc unbanall <START_TIME> <STOP_TIME | now> Unbans all accounts found within the specified time frame. ipcheck.use, ipcheck.unban, ipcheck.unbanall
Unblock /ipc unblock <COUNTRY_ID | help> Unblocks a blocked country, allowing players from said country to join the server. ipcheck.use, ipcheck.unblock
Unexempt /ipc unexempt <PLAYER | IP> Removes the specified exemption from file. ipcheck.use, ipcheck.unexempt
Unprotect /ipc unprotect <PLAYER> Allows the specified player to be banned by IP-Check. ipcheck.use, ipcheck.unprotect


Note: Having Operator Status overrides all of these permissons.
Permission Description
ipcheck.ban Allows access to Ban commands.
ipcheck.banall Allows access to Ban-All command.
ipcheck.banmodify Allows access to Ban-Modfy command.
ipcheck.block Allows access to Block command.
ipcheck.exempt Allows access to Exempt command.
ipcheck.getnotify Allows players to see login notifications.
ipcheck.kick Allows access to Kick command.
ipcheck.list Allows access to the various exempt-list commands.
ipcheck.protect Allows access to Protect command.
ipcheck.purge Allows access to the Purge command.
ipcheck.reload Allows access to the Reload command.
ipcheck.scan Allows access to the Scan command.
ipcheck.seeban Allows players with this permission to see the 'player XXX banned YYY for ZZZ' messages.
ipcheck.seekick Allows players with this permission to see the 'player XXX kicked YYY for ZZZ' messages.
ipcheck.showip Allows players with this command to see IP-Addresses in the various commands and functions.
ipcheck.toggle Allows players to toggle IP-Check options via the Toggle command.
ipcheck.unban Allows access to Unban commands.
ipcheck.unbanall Allows access to the Unban-All command.
ipcheck.unblock Allows access to the Unblock command.
ipcheck.unexempt Allows access to the Unexempt command.
ipcheck.unprotect Allows access to the Unprotect command.
ipcheck.use The default permission required to use IP-Check in any way.