version-2/Main French developer

I n v e n t o r y S Q L

Player inventory on MySQL table

S o r r y

InventorySQL was a great project that I started a long ago, while I was working on a server. This project was abandonned, but I continued working on the plugin. But now, this plugin is too complicated for me, as my time working on it is limited If anyone wants to take over this project, feel free to contact me by PM to get added to the project page on Bukkitdev


Copy users' inventory on a configurable mySQL table, allowing it to be displayed on a website, and edited to add/remove items

the table content is refreshed in a configurable time interval, in seconds, and with event like Login, BedEnter, etc..

Read Configuration for help with config, and Data format 2.0 for help with the mysql data format

v 2.1.6 and after need Authenticator for offline-mode plugins like AuthMe, .. (if you don't use offline-mode, Authenticator isn't required)

In v 2.2, you can now sync inventories across multiple servers, read Mirror mode for more informations


    description: 'Give access to all commands'
    children: true
      invsql.check.others: true
      invsql.check: true true
      invsql.reload: true
    description: 'Let you change you password'
    default: true
    description: 'Let you reload the plugin'
    default: op
    description: 'Give access to all check related commands'
    children: true
      invsql.check.others: true
    description: 'Let you check yourself'
    default: true
    description: 'Let you check other players'
    default: op
    children: true


  • /invSQL check all : update all players
  • /invSQL check <player>, <player>, .. : update specified players
  • /invSQL check : update yourself (alias: /ichk)
  • /invSQL pw : Change the password store in the table, useful for webui
  • /invSQL backup clean : clean outdated backups from the table
  • /invSQL reload : reload the config
  • /invSQL help : the help (you don't say?)

Download links

If you like InventorySQL, please consider donating to the project via paypal, using the link on the top-right of the BukkitDev page :)

Other plugins : ThisLogMustDie!