# These are the defaults.
# Please read the description below
# before making changes
HostageNames: [VIP, mbaxter, Notch]
HostageHP: 3
ExtractionTimer: 30
TimerRange: 256
TimerPitch: 1
ExtractionZoneRadius: 12
Debug: false
Recommended values:
ExtractionTimer: 0 to 35 seconds
- Zero means that helicopters will be waiting at the extraction zone.
- Zero also means that the opposing team will NOT have an opportunity to re-aquire the VIPs once they reach the extraction zone.
- Any value greater than zero means that the Special Operations Team will have to call into Special Operations Command and report that they're waiting at the extraction zone with 1 or more hostages.
- This call to Special Operations Command is made automatically.
- Any value greater than zero means that the opposing team will have that much time to re-aquire the hostages once they reach the extraction zone.
Debug: true or false
- This option affects the default debugging mode after the server has been loaded.
- true - turns debugging mode on.
- false - turns debugging mode off.
- To toggle it on/off in-game: use the command /vips debug