This plugin adds two new gamemodes to arenas: HostageArena & VipArena
- Extraction
- this word describes a military operation that rescues hostages or captures VIPs.
- it's also the name of the project on github:
- VipArena
- Either team can capture the VIPs.
- HostageArena
- One team guards the hostages while the other team attempts to rescue them.
Inspired by Counterstrike & SOCOM US Navy Seals.
So, what is so great about having alternate gamemodes, like CTF, Demolition, Conquest, & Extraction ? Well, they're fun and they add interesting new elements of game play. Each one with their own strategies involved. For example, let's consider an 8v8 where it's down to 1 person left on the other team. That last person cannot simply run and hide in order to gain a tie, because you can simply guard/rescue the hostages to win (depending on which team you're on).
Consequently, there are several ways to win an ExtractionArena:
- Eliminate the other team.
- Guard the hostages and let the time expire (HostageArena only).
- Rescue the hostages by bringing them to the extraction point.
- Trick the other team into killing the hostages.
- Extraction Point
- this is a designated area and agreed upon safe zone that the helicopters will meet you at in order to extract the hostages.
Basically, helicopter pilots will not land inside an enemy base because it's too hostile of an environment. So you'll have to setup 1 or more extraction points that the pilots will meet you at (less hostile areas). You can configure a custom ExtractionTimer which is the amount of time it takes the helicopters to arrive. For example, an ExtractionTimer of ZERO means that the helicopter is waiting at the extraction point, and any hostages taken there will be immediately rescued. Any value greater than zero means that the extraction team will have to call into Special Operations Command and report that they have successfully rescued 1 or more hostages. The call is made automatically when you arrive at the extraction zone: at which time, Special Operations Command will deploy the helicopters to your location.
During the ExtractionTimer, the opposing team will have an opportunity (that much time) in order to re-aquire control of the hostages.
What's cool about this gamemode is that cuts down on "spray N pray" and you have to be cautious with your grenades because if either side accidentally kills 2 out of 3 hostages, then you will lose. So there are several strategic options available to players: You can simply stay back in a hostage room and camp with the hostages, and let time expire to win. You could roam around the map with 1 or more hostages and trick the other team into accidentally killing off the roaming target (because they think it's an opponent). Or you could even use the hostages as human shields, which adds incentive to the Special Operations Team to have at least 1 sniper and/or concussion grenades that will stun targets, but NOT kill hostages.
Obviously, because the Guards can win by simply letting time expire, this gamemode should NOT have infinite respawn.
- download the HostageArena.jar
- put it in your 'plugins' folder
- install BattleArena
- (optional) install BattleTracker
Arena Setup:
Commands & Permissions
- Nodes that start with extraction. are generally Admin commands.
- Nodes that start with vips. are generally regular player commands.
- Commands for VipArena are /vips
- Commands for HostageArena are /hostage (same permission nodes)
Command | Permission | Description |
/vips join | arena.join.extraction | Enter the arena. |
/vips leave | arena.leave | Exit the arena. |
/vips stats | vips.stats | Displays your own personal HostageArena stats. |
/vips stats <player> | vips.stats.other | Displays another players stats. |
/vips stats top X | | Displays the HostageArena Leaderboard. |
/vips spawnvips <arena> | extraction.spawnvips | Adds a spawn location for the hostages (aka VIPs). |
/vips setConfig <option> <value> | extraction.setconfig | Used to change options in the config.yml |
/vips listConfig | extraction.listconfig | Useful reference to see all the config.yml options. |
/vips debug | extraction.debug | Toggles debugging mode on/off. |
/vips vote <player> | | Votes to kick a player out of HostageArena. Used to remove a player that is killing Hostages on purpose and no Admins are online. |
/vips kick <player> | extraction.kick | Admin cmd to kick a player out of HostageArena. Used by Admins to remove a player that is killing Hostages on purpose. |
/vips ban <player> | extraction.ban | Bans a player from joining HostageArena. Used by Admins to prevent problem players from joining a HostageArena. |
How to display stats on your website
CrackShot Integration
How to install guns on your BombArena server
Single Player Testing
Want to quickly jump into a HostageArena and test it out ? So you can get a feel for it ?
- download VirtualPlayers2
- Commands: (dc stands for do command)
- dc <FakePlayerName> <command> [arguments]
- dc tester connect
- dc tester vips join
- dc tester2 hostage join
I'm not accepting monetary donations, but if you wish to donate your time to this project, I will gladly accept!
How can you help ?
- Test out HostageArena and give suggestions and feedback.
- Make a video (like how to setup a HostageArena & VipArena).
- Build custom arenas and share them with the Minecraft community! (post on the forums).
- I would also love to see some replicas of the classic arenas from SOCOM US Navy Seals! (which inspired me to create this plugin).
- Contribute code and/or ideas.
Alternatively, you can support my favorite developers:
- Derek Banas -
- Thanks to Derek for such great, fast tutorials on Java.
- Misko Hevery -
- Thanks to Misko for such great articles on his website & his awesome Clean Code Talks presentations
- (many, many more)
Is it possible to Make a permission required to join a specific team?
In reply to Forge_User_53435620:
That's a good idea, but any code changes along those lines should probably be in BattleArena so that all BA plugins & extensions can benefit. Also, remember that everything is open source at github:
HostageArena v2.1.0 adds support for 1.9.4 servers and all future versions that are also compatible with net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R2
HostageArena v2.0.0 is a huge update. I added backwards compatibility for 1.2.5 to 1.9.2. I split the plugin up into two different gamemodes: VipArena where either team can capture the VIPs. And HostageArena where one team guards the hostages while the other teams attempt to rescue them. I also added Sound support. There was also a pretty major bug with the framework not filtering events properly, and v2.0.0 includes a fix for this.
Here is the change log:
Here's the source code:
New commands:
it's best to fill out a ticket. Make sure to include enough information: Like your arenas.yml file
When I try to /vips set extractionpoint arena1 it says:
arena1 is not a valid HostageArena
You did /vips addspawn <arenaName> and Hostages immediately started spawning ? Or you're saying that Hostages constantly spawned & replicated when you joined an arena ?
Private message me the JAR that you're using so I can take a look at it. See if it's causing a problem, because this doesn't happen to me.
@Europia79 I just updated to 1.8.2 (using 1.8 spigot) - this happened after i setted the hostage spawn into my arena - i mean i got a villager type npc and he become a VIP villager and started to spaw more vips (and hostage npcs)
I am not sure I completely understand: You updated the code to 1.8.2 ? Or you updated (as-in downloaded) the latest JAR file ?
Quote: "and after setted the vips" - setted how exactly ? Via spawn egg ? Via cmd ? (which cmd?)
Quote: "all village-type citizens become all hostages" - You're saying that all Villagers that naturally spawn in the World are Hostages ? I believe this is the case. I don't remember. I'll have to take a look at the code and run it. This plugin is more suited for an FPS + shooter server anyways... It's not really suited for a hybrid survival server that happens to have arenas because it looks like it will mess up the survival aspect - Where it'll look kinda bizarre to players that Villagers aren't moving... But if i remember correctly, you can still trade with them. I'll have to look into this aspect more and see if there's anything I can do about it.
Quote: "and keep to spawn them" - I don't understand what you're saying here.
Hey Europia i just updated the plugin hostage, and after setted the vips, all village-type citizens become all hostages and keep to spawn them.... screenshot
Nope, i don't know of any servers running this. The first version has only been released for eleven days tho, with only 11 downloads... I'm sure people are still testing it out. Altho, I would really like some feedback so that I know what improvements to make.
Anyone wanna advertise their server ? I would jump on for a quick game. Others might too.
Do you know of any server right now running it?
Looks like i accidentally messed up the rules: Any team can rescue the Hostages. So what I would do, is create an extraction point for each team. And spawn the VIPs in the middle of the map. That way, the teams can fight over who is going to rescue the VIPs.
Do you guys want me to change it to one team guarding and the other team rescuing ? Or should I just leave it how it is ? Where both teams are able to rescue the VIPs ?
This sounds cool. Please make more battlearena plugins. All of your plugins are so fun
sounds nice!
Just an update on HostageArena... I didn't abandon this project. Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm making progress... And I'm getting close to releasing a first Alpha version.
Sweet. This is also one of my favorite Arena Types.
If you can actually rescue the hostages, then you should be proud because this is not an easy task to accomplish.
Good luck!