Hive JumpPads
Plugin description:
With this plugin you can simply create JumpPads.
The JumpPads can be configured in nearly any way. You are able to configure the BlockID, PressureplateID, JumpPad Size, Sound, Effect and more...
Plugin features:
- Simply create jumppads for your server lobby, etc.
- You are able to configure each jumppad on their own
- Enough possibilities to deactivate the jumppads for users (e.g. permission system, worlds are disableable, etc.)
- Falldamage can be disabled
- Configure sounds, effects and more
- Automatic updatechecker*
- Metrics by**
* In order to disable the updatechecker you have to set 'automaticUpdateCheck: false' in the Hive JumpPads main configuration.
** For the Metrics deactivation you have to set 'enabled: false' in the '/bStats/config.yml' file. More informations below.
- /hivejumppads - Main Commad
- /hivejumppads help - Shows all of all available commands
- /hivejumppads info - Shows a brief plugin info
- /hivejumppads wiki - Shows the url to the Hive JumpPads wiki
- /hivejumppads reload - Reloads the plugin and the configuration settings
- /hivejumppads update [args] - Hive JumpPads update manager
- /hivejumppads update download - Downloads and installs the newest HiveJumpPads version
- /hivejumppads update url - Shows the URL to the newest Hive JumpPads file
- /hivejumppads update check - Runs a force update check
For these commands you have to set 'useAdvancedJumpPads: true'
- /hivejumppads teleport <jumppadid> - Teleports you to the (registered) jumppad #<id>
- /hivejumppads tool- Gives you the JumpPad creation tool
- /hivejumppads remove <jumppadid> - Removes the jumppad #<id>
Of course you can use "/hjp" instead of "/hivejumppads"!
- hivejumppads.use.jumppad - Needed to use JumpPads
- hivejumppads.use.tool - Needed to use the JumpPad tool and '/hjp tool' command
- hiveJumpPads.command.reload- Needed to use '/hjp reload'
- hiveJumpPads.command.update- Needed to use '/hjp update <args>'
- HiveJumpPads.command.remove- Needed to use '/hjp remove <id>'
- HiveJumpPads.command.teleport - Needed to use '/hjp tp <id>'
Thank you for your support. I'm developing Hive JumpPad in my spare time, it's very time consuming. If you want to support me, you can donate via PayPal (on the top-right navigation bar) or donate via Steam here.
Thank you <3:
- SmeltedMC | $1,01
- | $1,00
- | $1,00
You can find more informations in the Hive JumpPads wiki. (coming soon)
Hive JumpPads is using Metrics from It obtains a few server and plugin usage informations. It has nearly no effect on the server performance.
Check out to learn more.
In order to deactivate Metrics you have to set 'enabled: false' in the '/bStats/config.yml' file. More informations below.
Great plugin! Could you please add the effect "heart" thanks!
I tested the trampoline out, but it doesn't push me up in the air. It just vibrates really fast and I'm stuck on the block vibrating? When I type /warp trampoline to get off the block it then throws me up in the air? I have 1.7.2 would that be an issue or is it something else? Thank you
LOVE it. o btw can unoped players use it? [FLAMECRAFT] ^ I I STILL ON BETA
Hi, Is There A List Of Effects That Will Work On The Launch Pads
PLEASE FIX! Dude, when you reload the server, the configs aren't updated, right?
I'm gonna guess it's because the plugin isn't meant for 1.7.4, whatever the problematic part may be...
I am having the same problem, every time a player goes off a jump pad console gets about 300 lines of spam.
Urm... When I reload the plugin, the config files are not updated, when I reload the server, nothing changes. I think there's a HUGE bug in the plugin... :(
Also, I get this error a lot... The console is SPAMMED with it.
PLEASE let me know what the problem is. Thanks!
Do you gave you all Members the JumpPermission?
on my server Only Ops can use jumppads and default players can't Why?
Every time somebody jumps on my pad I get this string of errors:
Any help?
Hey Xendor in 1.7.2 Bukkit funzt das hochspringen auf den DruckPlatten nicht ich werde nur nach forne gepuscht :'(
Mein Server :
Oh, my mistake.
2 Weeks? I said 1-2 Months
Well two weeks have long since passed, any news?
in the config i have fall damage set to off but i still take fall damage
oh thx.
/hjp help
Spelling mistake:
Should be: /HighJumpPads Config - Config Settings
What it is: /HighJumpPads Config - Config Settigns
P.S. I love the plugin.
Wait onto HiveJumpPad 2.0.1 :D
Xenedor <3
You have to change "Enable Trampolines: false" to "Enable Trampolines: true" then you must build a HiveJumpPad with a Golden PressurePlate
Cool Plugin, but pls add that you can each Jumppad configure!