Config Explanation

HideStream configuration version: 3.10


# If HideStream's stream management should be enabled.
# Can be toggled by the commands, '/hs enable' and '/hs disable'
# Stream management: Join, Quit, Kick and Death.
Enabled: true

# If HideStream should check for any available updates.
# It's recommended to leave this enabled.
CheckForUpdates: true

# The message sent to players attempting to access commands they do not have access for.
# The message color can be changed by using color codes infront of the sentence.
# If you want different colors for words, place the color code infront of the word, ex: '&cNo &2Permission'.
# A list of color codes can be found here:
NoCommandPermissionMsg: '&cYou do not have permission to do that!'

  # If enabled; players with permission can choose for themselves if they want their own
# stream to be enabled or disabled using a command. Enable: false Join: # If join messages should be managed by HideStream. # If enabled, join messages will not appear in the chat, unless you have # configured HideStream to do so under certain circumstances. HideJoin: true
# Amount of players that needs to be online in order to hide join messages. # This includes the involved player too. NeedsToBeOnline: 0
# If enabled, stream management will only be active for new players. # -- Players that has never joined the server before. OnlyForNewPlayers: false
# If enabled, stream management will only be active for old players. # -- Players that has joined the server before. OnlyForOldPlayers: false
Permissions: # If you want permissions support enabled. UsePermissions: false
# Only hide join messages if the player has permission. # -- hidestream.hidejoin HideOnlyIfHasPermission: false
# Only hide join messages if the player does not have permission. # -- hidestream.hidejoin HideOnlyIfWithoutPermission: false

# A list of worlds where HideStream will manage stream.
# Example: if you were to remove "world_nether" from this list; players joining in that world
# will have their join message displayed, as none of the options above will have any effect
# in that world.
- world
- world_nether
- world_the_end
Quit: HideQuit: true NeedsToBeOnline: 0 OnlyForNewPlayers: false OnlyForOldPlayers: false Permissions: UsePermissions: false HideOnlyIfHasPermission: false # (hidestream.hidequit) HideOnlyIfWithoutPermission: false # (hidestream.hidequit)
- world
- world_nether
- world_the_end
Kick: HideKick: true NeedsToBeOnline: 0 OnlyForNewPlayers: false OnlyForOldPlayers: false Permissions: UsePermissions: false HideOnlyIfHasPermission: false # (hidestream.hidekick) HideOnlyIfWithoutPermission: false # (hidestream.hidekick)
- world
- world_nether
- world_the_end
Death: HideDeath: false NeedsToBeOnline: 0 Permissions: UsePermissions: false HideOnlyIfHasPermission: false # (hidestream.hidedeath) HideOnlyIfWithoutPermission: false # (hidestream.hidedeath)
- world
- world_nether
- world_the_end