Compatible with PaperMC & Spigot, and anything else that supports Spigot API.
HideStream is doing one simple task for you; hiding spam output such as join & leave messages from appearing in the chat. This can be beneficial for high-traffic servers, where players are logging out and in repetitively.
You can also adapt HideStream to suit your server perfectly using a configuration file provided.
- Hiding/disabling:
- Join/log-in messages.
- Quit/log-out messages.
- Kick messages.
- Death messages.
- Manage whom will have their stream output hidden/visible using permissions.
- A command to disable and enable HideStream at any time.
- Per-player toggling without using a permissions system. (Completely optional, disabled by default)
- Ability to only hide stream for new or old players.
- Ability to only hide stream when there's a certain amount of players online.
- Can even be toggled in-game using a command.
- Multi-world support : Exempt certain worlds. (Version 3.10+)
- Customize the no permission message for commands and its colorization.
- Automatically checks for available updates at BukkitDev. (Can be disabled in the config if you wish.)
- You can also auto-update using a command.
Click here to visit the HideStream resource page over at Spigot, however the BukkitDev page here is the official plugin home =)
Requesting update for plugin compatibility with Folia. https://docs.papermc.io/folia. Thanks!
I run on 1.20.6 :) Thanks alot ... great plugin !
In reply to FreakingClowning:
I just saw your PM; I have answered =)
I will look into this asap!
I mean there's essentials
really fantastic! does what it says.
Use your plugin however I still receive that join menssages, no error in console.
Config: Enabled: true
CheckForUpdates: true
NoCommandPermissionMsg: '&cYou do not have permission to do that!'
Enable: false
StreamEnabledByDefault: true
HideJoin: true
NeedsToBeOnline: 0
OnlyForNewPlayers: false
OnlyForOldPlayers: false
UsePermissions: false
HideOnlyIfHasPermission: false
HideOnlyIfWithoutPermission: false
HideQuit: true
NeedsToBeOnline: 0
OnlyForNewPlayers: false
OnlyForOldPlayers: false
UsePermissions: false
HideOnlyIfHasPermission: false
HideOnlyIfWithoutPermission: false
HideKick: true
NeedsToBeOnline: 0
OnlyForNewPlayers: false
OnlyForOldPlayers: false
UsePermissions: false
HideOnlyIfHasPermission: false
HideOnlyIfWithoutPermission: false
HideDeath: true
NeedsToBeOnline: 0
UsePermissions: false
HideOnlyIfHasPermission: false
HideOnlyIfWithoutPermission: false
For anyone who has advancements spam on your 1.12 servers try this command
/gamerule announceAdvancements false
If you have multiverse also do
/mvrule announceAdvancements false
broken on 1.12 it shows the achievements which is now called advancements
I have nothing to say, it's the perfect plugin to remove these messages! =)
Great plugin, works fantastic with 1.10 :)
Actually, I have not seen error anymore. Thanks...
Are you still seeing the message? I made a typing error in the version title on this website, but have corrected it since which I believe should fix the problem.
I get same message. Spigot 1.9 HideStream 3.8
Which version of hidestream are you using?
23.03 10:40:14 [Server] INFO Checking for Updates ... 23.03 10:40:14 [Server] WARN The author of this plugin (mrmag518) has misconfigured their Auto Update system 23.03 10:40:14 [Server] WARN File versions should follow the format 'PluginName vVERSION' 23.03 10:40:14 [Server] WARN Please notify the author of this error.
Done! Currently waiting for approval.
please UPDATE to 1.9
please update to 1.9
please update to 1.9