Herobrine AI
What´s HerobrineAI ?
HerobrineAI is plugin that creates Herobrine with custom AI and skin, but all it is likely true Herobrine legend with some improvements. Herobrine can be found randomly in the world or he can attack or haunt a player (it´s all randomly generated), but higher chance is only haunt. If you don´t want to wait for Herobrine randomly generate target, you can use commands to manually set a Herobrine´s target. Why choose this Herobrine plugin? Because this Herobrine plugin is created to be like a true legend of Herobrine.
- Compatible with Towny,Essentials and mcMMO.
- Support for residence/area protect plugins : Towny,Residence,GriefPrevention,PreciousStones,WorldGuard.
Spout is not required!
Recommended Java version : Java 7 (Java 6 is supported, but not recommeded)
Quote from Jakub1221:
- Updated 31.8.2014
- New version v3.4.2 is out!
Problems with commands & errors?
- Check version compability list.
What can Herobrine do?
- Haunt or attack players.
- Creates caves, writes books, places signs.
- Can be killed and drop some stuff.
- When he´s haunting or attacking target playing scary sounds and appearing near the target.
- Can be called by totem.
- ! Randomly walk in the world !
- Sends messages.
- Place signs near players.
- Place books into player´s chests.
- Teleports players to the Graveyard world.
- Bury player.
- Build pyraminds.
- Build temples.
- Put player´s head into chest.
- Haunt player with Herobrine´s heads.
- Herobrine can be called by playing disc 11.
- Spawn new NPCs.
- Random explosions and lighting.
Latest stable version for 1.7.10 R0.1 is v3.4.2
- Supports 1.7.10 R0.1 build
Herobrine´s totem
You can also call Herobrine by his totem.
- Schematics here!
Graveyard world
Buried player
- All artifacts can be only found in Temples.
Bow of Teleporting
- Description: Teleports player to the arrow hit location.
- Usage: Shoot from the bow.
Sword of Lighting
- Description: 50% chance to call a lighting strike.
- Usage: Right/Left click on the ground or mob.
Apple of Death
- Description: Kills all mobs in radius of 20 blocks.
- Usage: Right/Left click on the ground or mob.
Ancient Sword
- Description: This sword protects you aganist Herobrine.
! Please report all bugs to me via PM or create a ticket !
Current version v3.4.2
Supported builds:
- Guaranteed compatible with:
- 1.7.10 R0.1 (Build #3116)
- For more, check version compatibility list.
Waiting for approval versions
- None.
In development versions
- v3.4.3
Source code
This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to mcstats.org:
- A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- The plugin's version
- The server's version
- The OS version/name and architecture
- The core count for the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version If you wish to disable this feature (/me cries), you can do so by opt-ing out, which you can do in the config file under /plugins/PluginMetrics/
Other very good plugins
- CustomItems - Make your own custom item!
ah...cause I don't see the herobrine's skin. I see the default .-.
I think it's a bug. Now I see all the npc with the default
You cannot change herobrine´s skin to another. And why you want to change it?
How can I change the skin?
Thanks for adding the worlds options, we're going to have so much fun with this.
But can you add in the config weather the totem pole explodes?
YAY! Totem poles! THANK YOU!! I love how you updated soo fast :)
Ohhh whoops I forgot about the haunting :p
Thanks, yes that music is already when he is only haunting a target, but with upcoming updates it will be improved. With upcoming updates there will be big AI update with a lot of things.
AWESOME plugin, There should be scary music playing randomly when his target is alone or something. :)
Maybe, what version of Java are you using?
is it a java 7 problem mab? thats why I cant load plugins generally :L
Plugin is fully working for anothers, idk why you have problem with that, PM me.
ehm it's will not work with me.. (cannot be loaded)
Hi of Hello I really like this plugin you do Could I posted a friend know it?
Ok, in next update :)
I can't get it to load. I placed it in the plugins folder and everything, but its as if it doesn't even exist. No messages or errors, nothing. But config or help or anything either
Just a tip, could you please make it so I can turn it on only in a certain world? Thanks!
Hi jakub, I like your plugin! Where do you live I live in australia! (I am NOT a bot!!!!!!!)
Yes, bukkit says that but i've been waiting 10hours for releasen approval.
i will wait for more comments, this kind of plugins are used to be hated in survival servers =(