Help Pages


Have you ever wanted to be able to customize /help with ease? Now you can!

Just make a file with the text, and you're good to go!


  • Download the plugin
  • Put it in your folder
  • Run the server once
  • Make a file in the HelpPages/Pages/ folder called Main.txt
  • This is the main help file. You can now add whatever you want in it. If you want more files for more arguments, follow these steps
  • Check the argument you want. Such as /help donor somerank.
  • Make the file donor_somerank.txt in the HelpPages/Pages/ folder. Again, just put whatever you want in it.
  • The underscore ( "_" ) represents a space in the command. So a file called "i_love_this_server.txt" would need the "/help i love this server" command.

To reload do /helpreload. This requires the helppages.reload permission.


2.0 has REVAMPED permissions! How do they work you may ask? Here's how.


Depending on which folder you put the text file into, that's your permission. So let's say you have two folders. One for op the other for default. If default doesn't have the op permission, it will open the first one. Since op has both permissions, it will open one of them (eh.. I should change this haha). So if the player has the permission on the folder, they can read the page!

Example of what a text file might look like in game


You will find an Auto-Update option in your config. What this does, is update the plugin when a new version comes out. Set this to false if you don't want it to happen.


VERSION 2.0 IS NOW RELEASED! Your auto-update "should" update as soon as you restart. Enjoy! Remember to read up on the new permissions.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 10, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Mar 31, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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