
My reason for writing Heimdall is that as I advertised our server, I noticed that 80-90% of new players were just drive-by griefers. And I noticed that 90% of my mods time went to dealing with all these new players. Further, I noticed that it was pretty much the same thing time after time: Follow the new player invis, wait until they grief some other player's structure, than ban and rollback.

It occurred to me that the entire process should be easily automated. With the right query, LogBlock can tell when a block is owned by another player, so from there it is possible to do some analysis of players breaking other players blocks and determine when griefing is happening.

So the primary use case Heimdall is tuned for is accurately detecting griefing behavior of new players. It is very well tuned for this use case and very good at it. It is NOT tuned for detecting griefing behavior for "all players, all the time". What this means is, it's still on you to police your regular users, if you try to use Heimdall on your regular user population you'll almost certainly end up with false positives and other undesirable behaviors. But for watching and sorting out new players from griefers, Heimdall should be able to weed out 90%+ of the griefer trash that comes through a server.

Additionally note that I employ Heimdall as a "defense in depth" philosophy. It is one of many anti-griefer tools I use. I use WorldGuard to make sure my new players can't use buckets or flint and tinder to do mass-damage. I use Honeypots to weed out griefers early on. I use LogBlock to make sure I can always roll back any griefer damage. And to add to that, I now use Heimdall as yet another defense against griefers.


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