- Compatible with 1.7
- Configurable multipliers for the head, torso, and legs (and configurable hitboxes for added difficulty or ease)
- Configurable effects, such as slowness, wither, etc., that can be applied upon hitting certain body parts
- Configurable headshot messages for both the shooter and the target
- Configurable headshot death message
- Configurable minimum distance after which arrows do extra damage based on the distance they've travelled
- Configurable extra damage per block travelled
- Configurable damage required for a hit to be considered a headshot
- Configurable armour resistance
- Configurable bow cooldowns (reload time)
- Configurable particle trails
- Works on humanoid mobs
- Update notifications
Video needed. If you feel like making a video on Headshot, please give me the link in the comments so I can show it on this page.
Permission | Description | Default |
headshot | Allows players to headshot other players | Everyone |
headshot.bypass.reload-time | Allows the player to bypass bow cooldown | OPs |
- Configurable mob headshots
- (Done) Per-world configuration
- Configurable particles and sounds on headshot
- (Done) Reload command
- Backstabbing (backshotting?)
- Debug mode
Bug Reports
Please post these on GitHub or, if that's not possible, in the comments below. Please provide (at minimum) the following information:
- What the most likely cause of the issue was (such as what you were doing at the time)
- Any errors displayed in the console (Please use pastie.org for these!)
- The version numbers of the plugin and of Craftbukkit (Don’t say ‘latest’!)
- Any additional information you can provide, such as potentially conflicting plugins
Need Help?
- Email me ([email protected])
- Post a ticket on GitHub (recommended)
- Post a comment on this page
Disclaimer: Headshot implements Gravity's Updater, which is used for updating the plugin automatically. If you don't want to have the plugin updated automatically, set 'auto-update' to false in the configuration file. Additionally, Headshot uses MCStats to collect anonymous statistics about the kinds of servers running the plugin. All of these statistics can be found here. This can be disabled by setting 'opt-out' to true in the 'plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml' file.
Does not work with 1.7.10. Potion effects don't at least. I believe it needs UUID support. At least that's my best guess. Here's my config: http://pastebin.com/ZY2x9faF
Okay, sorry to bother. It just happened that I was headshotted by me. It has to do the with the moment of projectile resistance that entities get after being hit with an arrow. I was hitting the same target with 5+ shots at once. (yes, another plugin enabled this and vanilla stopped it). So thank you for the response.
Can you confirm that Headshot is causing this? None of my code should make that happen.
So, are the arrows supposed to bounce off entities? cb 1.7.9 R0.1 #3078
Ok, thanks you very much!!!! i'm like this plugins! ;)
I'll get to the bottom of this issue when I add the debug mode in the next release.
(Traduit): Je vais aller au fond de cette question quand j'ajoute le mode de débogage dans la prochaine version.
OOps escuse my (i'm french): I also can can headshot my friend in the legs, yet I do not have another plugin
I also can can headshot my friend in the legs, pourtant je n'ai pas d'autre plugin...
I'm honestly not sure. I've never had that happen before. I'll add a debug option to the next version to give me more info on this issue.
I have tried and it's still not working.
Ok I will try
In that case, I'm honestly not sure. I'll add a debug mode to the next version to help determine the cause of issues like this. Perhaps you could try a different build of Craftbukkit?
I tried with no other plugins and the config is not modified
Can you try testing with no other plugins on the server? Unusual issues like these are often caused by other plugins. Also, ensure that your config file is completely unmodified.
Here are the screenshots: http://imgur.com/OFDC8Yl,N4CEJYn,PZzyHwy,ewVI0oZ,EIzCtN2
Can you take some screenshots to verify that this is the case? I've done extensive testing with the default position values for hitboxes and they seem to work perfectly. Did you modify your config file at all? Also, are you sure you aren't simply shooting your friend from so far away that it is considered a distance headshot? If you don't want distance headshots to be enabled, you can set 'distance.enabled' to 'false' in the config file.
Also I can headshot my friend in the legs! How do I fix this or is it a bug?
I'll add it to the to-do.
Yes, it should.
Will this work for CB-1.7.2-R0.3?
You should add backstab too!