
Frequently Asked Questions


What is MCStats and what is it used for?

MCStats is a system that creates a compilation of metrics data that the server reports back to a central repository. This data is non-identifying (it doesn't tell me any personal information about YOU) and is generally small in nature as not to cause lag. It is used as a means of targeted development. For example, if I look at the metrics and see that 75% of the servers being logged are using an economy system, then that might mean I should target my development efforts at expanding the economy integration.

What information is sent to

The MCStats reporting is limited to the following non-identifying information:

MCStats Standard Data (MetricsLite)

  • A unique random identification number to ensure the same metrics aren't recorded more than once. This does not identify the server.
  • The version of HardcoreClaims in use by the server.
  • The server's status as being online
  • The number of players on the server (also sent for custom data with land system type).
  • The Java version on the server.
  • The operating system and OS version of the server.
  • The authentication mode the server is configured for (Online, Offline)
  • The revision of MCStats being used by the plugin.
  • The CPU architecture of the server (x86, x64)
  • The total CPU cores of the server.
  • The country the server is in.
  • The game version running on the server.
  • The type of Bukkit implementation running (CraftBukkit, Spigot, MCPC+, etc.)

How do I disable MCStats?

Open your plugin folder and navigate to the PluginMetrics plugin folder. Open config.yml and change the opt-out value to true.