Configuration v2.0

Configuration in v2.0 and above

Settngs.yml explanation

  • You can use - or + numbers in your penalties. Example: -8, 0, 6, -4, 2
  • The numbers are counted in half hearts. So -6 does a damage of 3 hearts and 4 heals 2 hearts
  • Variables are supported also: %g Example:
HealthAttackedPlayer: '0' 
# Changes Health of a attacked player IF the attacking player is not allowed to hit him/her
HealthAttackingPlayer: '-5' 
# Changes Health of the attacking players if they attack someone they are not allowed to
CannotBeAttacked: The player %p can't be attacked by anyone.
# Message to all attackers who try to hit someone they are not allowed to
NoPermAttackAnyone: You are not allowed to attack anyone.
# Message for all players that can't attack anyone on the server
GroupNoPermAttackAnyone: The group %g is not allowed to attack anyone!
# If a player is in a group which cant attack anyone then he/she will get this message on the chat
Group1NoPermAttackGroup2: group %g1 is not allowed to attack the group %g2!
# This message will be send to a player that is in group1 and tries to attack someone from group2
logInConsole: true
# Should GroupBasedPvP log stuff in the console?
completelyDisabledPVP: false
# Should GroupBasedPVP disable PvP completely?
updateReminderEnabled: true
# Should GroupBasedPVP automatically check for updates? Operators will get a reminder message, but the new version isn't downloaded automatically. It is recommend to set this value on true.

Config.yml explanation

The settings in config.yml are applied to every world.

  • The config format is: AttackerGroup: AttackedGroup
  • Use for each config a new line
  • Wildcards '*' are supported


Guest: Admin
# The group "Guest" cant attack the group "Admin" but the group "Admin" can attack the group "Guest"
Citizens: VIP
# The group "Citizens" cant attack the group "VIP" but the group "VIP" can attack the group "Citizens"
VIP: Admin
# The group "VIP" cant attack the group "Admin" but the group "Admin" can attack the group VIP"
'*': Admin
# The group "Admin" cant be attack from any group but the group "Admin" can attack anyone
Guest: '*'
# The group "Guest" cant attack any other group but the other groups can attack "Guest"
Noob: VIP, Admin
# The group "Noob" cant attack the groups VIP and Admin **It is very important to use this layout and not seperating Noob: VIP and Noob: Admin !**

Worlds folder explaination

This folder is located in /plugins/GroupBasedPVP/worlds/.
You can find several .yml files in this folder. The files are named like your worlds. Each world has its own configuration file. You can add region configurations for specified WorldGuard regions. You have to keep in mind that the specified region have to be in the world.

Example world configuration:

modeWorld: disallow
# Disallow means that all configurations in the following section with the name "world" will disable PvP, allow means that the global configuration will be removed for the groups: if the group guest can't attack the group admin in the global configuration and you will add guest: admin to this config and modeWorld is set to "allow" the group guest can attack the group admin in this world.
modeRegion: allow
# See modeWorld (just replace "world" with "WorldGuard region")
  group1: group2
  group2: group1, group3
    guest: admin
    member: admin

Warning: The region section only works for WorldGuard regions.


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