

Penalties explanation

  • You can use - or + numbers in your penalties. Example: -8, 0, 6, -4, 2
  • The numbers are counted in half hearts. So -6 does a damage of 3 hearts and 4 heals 2 hearts
  • Variables are supported also: %g Example:
HealthAttackedPlayer: '0' 
# Changes Health of a attacked player IF the attacking player is not allowed to hit him/her
HealthAttackingPlayer: '-5' 
# Changes Health of the attacking players if they attack someone they are not allowed to
CannotBeAttacked: The player %p can't be attacked by anyone.
# Message to all attackers who try to hit someone they are not allowed to
NoPermAttackAnyone: You are not allowed to attack anyone.
# Message for all players that can't attack anyone on the server
GroupNoPermAttackAnyone: The group %g is not allowed to attack anyone!
# If a player is in a group which cant attack anyone then he/she will get this message on the chat
Group1NoPermAttackGroup2: group %g1 is not allowed to attack the group %g2!
# This message will be send to a player that is in group1 and tries to attack someone from group2
logInConsole: true
# Should GroupBasedPvP log stuff in the console?

Config explanation

  • The config format is: AttackerGroup: AttackedGroup
  • Use for each config a new line
  • Wildcards '*' are supported


Guest: Admin
# The group "Guest" cant attack the group "Admin" but the group "Admin" can attack the group "Guest"
Citizens: VIP
# The group "Citizens" cant attack the group "VIP" but the group "VIP" can attack the group "Citizens"
VIP: Admin
# The group "VIP" cant attack the group "Admin" but the group "Admin" can attack the group VIP"
'*': Admin
# The group "Admin" cant be attack from any group but the group "Admin" can attack anyone
Guest: '*'
# The group "Guest" cant attack any other group but the other groups can attack "Guest"


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