Constructs an inscribed gravestone, with a buried inventory chest, wherever a player dies.
- Generates a gravestone at the location of a player's death.
- The gravestone will generate an inscription displaying the player's name, date of death and game session time.
- A "Treasure Chest" will generate beneath the grave containing the deceased player's inventory and armor items.
- Gravestone elements will only replace "natural" blocks such as dirt, sand, grass, gravel, netherrack, etc. This may be turned off in config.yml.
- Acts as a useful indicator, especially in SMP games, where players may gain better knowledge of exploration attempts and history within the game.
- Configurable options, Permissions and WorldGuard support.
Change Log | Configs | Permissions | Media
Use config.yml to apply custom settings to available Gravestone options.
Option | Default | Description |
enable-white-list | false | Use this to activate the white-list.txt. Once active, only usernames listed here will be granted gravestones upon death. |
only-build-grave-on-natural-material | true | Grave sections will only render-replace "natural" materials such as dirt, sand, grass, gravel, netherrack, etc. Set to false to allow grave blocks to replace any material. |
enable-fancy-grave | true | Enables a "fancy grave" which adds dirt and roses around gravestone. Setting this to false will generate a "basic" grave consisting of only a gravestone with sign. |
create-buried-inventory-chest | true | Enables the creation of the buried inventory "treasure chest". Set this to false if you don't want this feature. |
display-date-time-of-death | true | Displays the date and time of a player's death. |
fancy-grave-material | dirt | Material used around a fancy grave. |
allow-unlimited-graves-per-player | true | Default is true to allow for unlimited graves per player. When set to false, a player's prior grave will disappear and the area's original contents will be restored. If the player's grave block has been altered after construction then the prior grave blocks will not be reset. This avoids the potential for griefing. |
grave-stone-material | smooth stairs | Used to set material used for gravestone. |
enable-grave-lightning-effect | true | Lightning effect upon grave when player dies. Set to false to turn off. |
enable-fancy-grave-side-decor | true | Turns on the side decor for a fancy grave. |
fancy-grave-side-decor | red rose | Sets the decor used for the side decor of a fancy grave. |
only-build-grave-if-player-has-inventory | true | Only build grave if player has an inventory. Set to false to turn off. |
allow-grave-in-normal-world | true | Enables grave creation in the overworld. |
allow-grave-in-nether | true | Enables grave creation in the Nether. |
allow-grave-in-end | true | Enables grave creation in the End. |
Use white-list.txt to limit grave creation to certain players. Note: Set enable-white-list: true in config.yml to enable the white list.
Use black-list.txt to deny grave creation for certain players.
permissions: gravestone.*: description: Permissions for Gravestone. children: gravestone.grave: true gravestone.gravestone: true true gravestone.grave: default: true description: Player permission for construction of a grave. gravestone.gravestone: default: true description: The default gravestone command. default: true description: Provides info about the Gravestone plugin.
"Fancy" Grave
"Fancy" Grave with Buried Treasure Chest
"Basic" Grave
Change Log | Configs | Permissions | Media
Also check out my Prayer Plugin
and Minecraft Pocket Reference!
it doesn't work for non admins players on my 1.9.4 server.
how do i change the permissions so it will work for them.
i hate being that guy.. but any chance on a 1.11 update, i only bug because NONE of the other "death" plugins work and this is the one sounds best!
your permissions state there is a command but i dont see it/them posted anywhere =/
once i figure it out ill post the command here for ppl as reference.
both do the same things but with different color text.
/gravestone /gravestone info
just gives small amount of info telling you what it does.
sofar working in [INFO] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-8dc4297-a7287cb (MC: 1.8) (Implementing API version 1.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
1.) graves are not spawning in worldguard protected areas (would be nice if they did and revert land it replaced back to original)
2.) when a grave is placed and player dies a 2nd time the first grave is removed except the sign gets dropped on ground (sign dupeing/produceing)
3.) (known issue) sign placment on side of stairs bc stairs spawn in wrong orientation.
4.) players are able to dismantle their grave for the resources....this is bad bc ppl can just keep dieing to make money (make graves non breakable)
suggestion: 1.) add grave life timer to make it despawn after configurable time <3
2.) as i can tell for time on grave its working off when acc was created, add toggle option in config for time since last death. <3
Thanks for the report. I will look into updating this for 1.9 Spigot.
It works on my Spigot 1.9 server. Except for the bug that my armor (except helmet) is duplicated inside the chest :)
Sadly not working for 1.9 :(
I use this on my 1.8 server, and aside from the stairs pointing right it works fine!
oh there is an error if someone falls into the void. But otherwise no issues
HI!! your plugin is so awesome! you should update it to 1.8 :) so i can use it on my server!
So... odd question but I was wondering if anyone else was having this issue. My gravestones spawn with the stairs pointing to the right so that the sign ends up on the side of the stairs. Anyone else deal with anything like this?
Hi Great mod! Works really good!
I have a question though, no clue how hard it is but. Could it be possible to Replace the "spawned chest"(with loot of dead player)"
with "dirt" after chest is looted?
Or when chest is looted that grave will despawn and only leave's dirt behind. "all blocks of grave" are replaced with dirt. "TombStone Displaying player name etc" are replaced with Air
Thanks in advance!
Hi! It create graves in the air :(
Love the idea, I just have one problem: It creates graves in the spawn world but not in my survival world. the overworld option didn't help with this. It would be amazing if you could add something in the config so you can enable certain worlds. Example:
enabled worlds: - survival_world - survival_world2
Need support Miltiworld plugin.
Video Brazilian br
pf galera de uma olhada é br e pt
Any chance of a 1.6.4 update to 1.09? Running a FTB server and love this mod, would like the new features also :)
NanotronPrime, do you can add more options time dead? Or possible set in config options what is write on lines. For example
Line1: [name]
Line2: RIP - all the same message
Line3: [day] Format: [][] or other - set by admin
Line 4: [time]
or change message on other private
Line 1: any a note
Line 2: any a note
Line 3: any a note
Line 4: any a note
I do have the WorldGuard hooks in place for this so give it a whirl. I tested myself for 1.0.9 and it was working for me.
I do have the WorldGuard hooks in place for this so give it a whirl. I tested myself for 1.0.9 and it was working for me.
Does this support worldedit? worldguard? would be cool to graves not generating to spawn or other places where its forbidden.
New feature: Set single or unlimited graves per player. This will help avoid grave-clutter.
allow-unlimited-graves-per-player: true
Default is 'true' to allow for unlimited graves per player. When set to 'false', a player's prior grave will disappear and the area's original contents will be restored. If the player's grave block has been altered after construction then the prior grave blocks will not be reset. This avoids the potential for griefing.
New feature: Only build grave if player has an inventory. Set to false to turn off.
only-build-grave-if-player-has-inventory: true
New feature: Lightning effect upon grave when player dies. Set to false to turn off.
enable-grave-lightning-effect: true
Config update: Added ability to change material used for gravestone.
grave-stone-material: smooth stairs