Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

When will the next version be released? When do we get the stuff on the Coming Soon page?

Answer: It will be released when it is released. This is a small operation and we don't have deadlines or expected release dates. Anything we may tell you about a release date should not be considered a guarantee.

Can you add a flag that would stop this behavior of GriefPrevention

Answer: Under no circumstances will GriefPreventionFlags ever be made to "undo" the event cancellation of Grief Prevention. Doing so would render Grief Prevention unable to effectively protect you. If Grief Prevention passes us a cancellable event then yes we will consider it (for example, Sieges will have a flag in Grief Prevention 7.8!). If Grief Prevention makes the effect optional through configuration, yes will will consider it (for example, trading can be turned off in Grief Prevention, but GriefPreventionFlags implementation gives you more granular control).

Can you add a flag that would alter behavior in plugins other than Grief Prevention?

Answer: GriefPreventionFlags is able to handle flags for other plugins, however there are some requirements. In all cases the plugin needs to have a stable published API. We won't try to reverse engineer a plugin. Secondly, in many cases we would require an event that implements the Cancellable interface from Bukkit. While it might be possible to accomplish some tasks without the Cancellable interface, we definitely can't do anything without some kind of event.

Can you add this flag or feature for me?

Answer: Maybe, the best way to find out is to submit a ticket.

I submitted a ticket but it was declined. What now?

Answer: GriefPreventionFlags has a fairly simple but comprehensive Developer API. If we have decided not to attempt a new feature, then someone else might be willing to add it as an extension.

Why does GriefPreventionFlags have such long timings compared to other plugins?

Answer: GriefPreventionFlags does more than other plugins.

Explanation: Some events we monitor, such as the PlayerMoveEvent, occur more frequently than others. Each time they occur the plugin must determine if it needs to take action. In all cases, GriefPreventionFlags will stop processing an event as soon as it knows it is not to take action. For most of the events, that happens as soon as it checks that the player, entity, or block is not in a claim. In other cases it has to check claim, then condition, then finally it checks to see if the flag is set. GriefPreventionFlags is as efficient as it can be with events. Most servers should be able to handle the load, however, you can disable event monitoring in the config.yml file for higher traffic events if your not using the flags that require them.

Errors & Bugs

I'm getting a long error in the console due to GriefPreventionFlags (stack trace error)

Answer: While programming errors do occur from time to time, there are some troubleshooting steps you can take to try to fix this on your own first.

  1. Check all the YAML files for errors. YAML does not support the tab character, use spaces instead, and the spaces are important. Each indent should be two spaces. Notepad++ tries to alert you to these types of issues through color coding, we recommend using it to edit YAML.
  2. Make sure you are running the latest version of GriefPreventionFlags. Programmers aren't perfect (though sometimes we like to think we are) and we fix things when we find them, so your problem may have already been fixed.
  3. Run the command /gpflags compactdb. This command tries to eliminate improperly formatted data in the data.yml file (the most likely cause of a stack trace error). This only correct data problems, not YAML problems (see #1).
  4. If your still having problems, submit a ticket with the contents of the stack trace and we will try to pin it down from inside the code.

The PvP flag isn't working. Why can't I turn PvP on

Answer: Open and set pvp=true. Use the PvP flag to turn PvP off.

Explanation: The PvP flag is checked when any Bukkit entity damages another Bukkit entity and both entities are players. If an entity never damages another entity, the PvP flag cannot be checked. When the server pvp option is turned off, no player entity can damage another player entity and therefore GriefPreventionFlags cannot assert it's own rules.

I turned on Trading/Breeding/Trapdoor/etc. but it still isn't working

Answer: As mentioned, GriefPreventionFlags does not interfere with the workings of Grief Prevention. Flags like these only work to turn off the feature if you give access trust or if you have configured Grief Prevention to not block them.

Explanation: These flags exist despite Grief Prevention functions because in some cases, the granularity of the GriefPreventionFlags trust lists might be preferred. While Grief Prevention has a small handful of trust options (Trust, Access Trust, and Container Trust) GriefPreventionFlags has a separate trust list for each and every player flag. This gives you much more power, but does have the cost of being harder to configure.

I set spawnmob to false, why are monsters still spawning?

Answer: The most common cause of this is a hidden monster spawner. There are many types of spawning and there is a separate flag for all of them.

I gave players the gpflags.flag.<flag name> permission but they still can't set the flag, why not?

Answer: In order to set a flag, two to three permissions must be given. First they must be able to use the command (gpflags.setflag). Second, for claims that don't belong to them, they must be able to set flags at that location (gpflags.setflag.others or gpflags.setflag.admin). Finally they must have permission to use the specific flag (gpflags.flag.<flag name>).

I found a bug!

Answer: Submit a ticket!