Coming Soon in GriefPreventionFlags!

Coming Soon in 1.6

New Features

  • Multi-world global flag support. (When upgrading, all worlds will be given the current global values by default)
  • Multi-world unclaimed area flags. (Not all flags apply i.e. AllowEntry, NotfiyEnter, etc.)
  • Independent subdivision flags.
  • Update Metrics to R7.


OptionFlags & Events
WeatherLightning Flag.
InventorySpendExp Flag
BlockAll Ice, Snow, Grass, and DragonEggTp flags.
EntityDamageAll "damage" flags (does not include Pvp or MonsterDamage)


FlagDescriptionPlayer Flag
TrapDoorAllows or denies the use of Trap Doors in the claim.
SiegeAllows or denies players sieging non-administrator claims.
DoorBreakToggles Zombies breaking doors within the claim on Hard difficulty level.
InheritParentCauses a subdivision to inherit the flags set for the parent claim. Defaults true and has no effect on parent claims. It affects ALL aspects of the subdivision including commands and flag effects.
SpawnChunkToggles spawns that occur due to chunk generation.
SpawnOtherToggles spawns that occur for any reason not handled by another flag.
DamageBlockExlpodeToggles damage caused by being in the area when a block explodes.
DamageContactToggles damage caused when a player contacts a block such as a cactus.
DamageDrownToggles damage caused by running out of air while in water.
DamageFallToggles damage caused when an player falls a distance greater than 3 blocks.
DamageBlockFallToggles damage caused by being hit by a falling block.
DamageFireToggles damage caused by direct exposure to fire.
DamageBurnToggles damage caused due to burns caused by fire.
DamageLavaToggles damage caused by direct exposure to lava.
DamageLightningToggles damage caused by being struck by lightning.
DamageMagicToggles damage caused by being hit by a damage potion or spell.
DamageMeltingToggles damage caused due to a snowman melting.
DamagePoisonToggles damage caused due to an ongoing poison effect.
DamageStarveToggles damage caused by starving due to having an empty hunger bar.
DamageSuffocateToggles damage caused by being put in a block.
DamageSuicideToggles damage by committing suicide using the command /kill.
DamageThornsToggles damage caused in retaliation to another attack by the Thorns enchantment.
DamageVoidToggles damage caused by falling into the void.
DamageWitherToggles damage caused by Wither potion effect.
DamageOtherToggles damage caused by anything not handled by other flags.

Obsolete Flag Damage - Will be converted to Damage cluster upon upgrade.

New Default Cluster

DamageAll "damage" flags(does not include Pvp or MonsterDamage)

Obsolete Cluster AllDamage - Use Damage instead.


gpflags.setflag.unclaimedAllows users to set flags for the world in unclaimed areas.op

API Changes

DEPRECATED (Will only return the primary world)

// Retrieve the current global value for the flag type (null if not set)
Boolean value = flag.getValue();

// Change the value of a global flag
flag.setValue(true, null);

// Return the flag's global value to the default.


// Retrieve the effective value of the flag for the claim
// If the claim flag has not been set, global will be returned
// If global has not been set the plug-in default is returned.
boolean value = flag.isAllowed(null);

boolean value = flag.isAllowed((Claim)null);


// Retrieve the current global value for the flag type (null if not set)
Boolean value = flag.getValue(world);

// Retrieve the current unclaimed value for the flag type (null if not set)
Boolean value = flag.getUnclaimedValue(world);

// Change the value of a global flag
flag.setValue(world, true, null);

// Change the value of a unclaimed flag
flag.setUnclaimedValue(world, true, null);

// Return the flag's global value to the default.
flag.removeValue(world, null);

// Return the flag's unclaimed value to the default.
flag.removeUnclaimedValue(world, null);

// Retrieve the effective value of the flag for the world
// The global will be returned.
// If global has not been set the plug-in default is returned.
boolean value = flag.isAllowed(world);

// Retrieve the effective value of the flag for 
// the unclaimed area of the world
// If unclaimed flag has not been set the
// plug-in default is returned.
boolean value = flag.isUnclaimedAllowed(world);


  • UnclaimedFlagSetEvent
  • UnclaimedFlagDeleteEvent
  • Global Flag Events now return the world.

Released in 1.5

New Features

  • Clusters - Groups of flags that can be set with one command and can be customized by the server operator.
  • Trust - In-game customizable trust lists for player flags allow users to bypass flag effects. (in addition to the bypass permission system)
  • Messages - Any text sent to a player as a result of a flag effect can now be customized in-game on a "per claim" basis.
  • Localization - Most in-game text, including flag names, can now be customized by the server operator.
  • Developer API - Is GriefPreventionFlags missing something you want? Now you can add it!

Behavior Changes

  • Hunger flag now only stops hunger from going down. (i.e. you can eat to fill it)
  • Breeding flag no longer affects Villagers. See new flags for villager breeding.
  • Damage flag now only applies to damage other than PvP and Monsters. See new flags for monster damage.
  • Trading no longer has automatic claim owner bypass, use the trust system to allow it. (AllowEntry and AllowLeave will keep owner bypass for security reasons)

Released in 1.4

New Features

  • New file system for increased efficiency.
  • Added support for (open source, optional, and completely anonymous statistics reporting)

Behavior Changes

  • Enhanced the /flags command to behave more like CraftBukkit's /help command.
  • General bug fixes.