GodItems 3.0

Fight monsters and explore the world to find custom items, weapons and armor that give unique abilities. All items are customizable from the config file.



Join our discord server if you need support or if you want to tell us your ideas for goditems. Some of them are going to be released in future updates.


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Like what we do and want to support us? Follow us on Patreon. The price starts from 1$ per month and you can always unsubscribe.

By becoming a patron you will gain access to the premium version of the plugin with custom textures for the handheld items and you will have early access to new items. Thank you for your support in advance!


Custom textures


druid staff         Parry sword



There is an official wiki for the plugin at: https://goditems.fandom.com/wiki/GodItems_Wiki


Note that in the future information about new items and bosses will be uploaded to the wiki and this description page may not contain all info.


Showcasing the Dracula's armor


 Big thanks to BorneTank Gaming for making a tutorial for the plugin!


GodItems v3.0.0 update notes:


Supported Minecraft versions: 1.19, 1.19.1, 1.19.2, 1.19.4, 1.20, 1.20.1, 1.20.2

- The plugin is being completely rewritten to improve usability

- All item names, lores, and descriptions can now be edited by players

- Implemented a new charms functionality, where certain items can be equipped in a separate charms inventory to boost the powers/unlock new abilities of other items

- All enchants and item attributes (attack damage, armor toughness, etc.) can now be edited for every item

- Currently 13 items and 5 charms added with all of the items from the older version to be added soon

- Item abilities for some old items are upgraded to make them more relevant in the newer versions

- Party system to prevent friendly fire (and allow AoE abilities)

- The 3.0.0 version is not compatible with any previous versions of the plugin. All items will stop working!


If you want to keep playing with all content we recommend sticking to 2.3. 

- Bosses are not yet implemented but will definitely be in the near future

- Items are immune to fire and explosion damage



Drowned KnightDark Legionary


Ways to obtain the items:

- Find in naturally spawned chests (doesn't work on already generated worlds). Charms will spawn only in the deep dark biome.

- Command "/getitem <itemname>".  There is a tab completer to help you with typing item names but you can always refer to the wiki as well. Permission 'goditems.getitem' needed.


Current items:

 Wiki Page: https://goditems.fandom.com/wiki/Custom_Items

 Currently in the 3.0.0 version, there are 13 items and 5 charms.  We expect to add all legacy items soon.  To check the full list visit the legacy wiki.    



Wiki page: https://goditems.fandom.com/wiki/Configuration

You can configure:

All item names, lore, and descriptions

Item enchants and attributes

Ability parameters (cooldowns, damage, range, etc.)

The rarity of each item(chance to spawn in a chest)


Steps to configure:

1) in the server folder go to plugins
2) select the GodItems folder
3) open "config.yml" with a text editor, it allows you to edit plugin-wide options (spawn in chest chance, max charm slots per player, etc.)

4) navigate to the 'items' folder, it contains a separate '.yml' file for every item, you can open and configure every item separately

5) restart the server for changes to take place


 If there are any problems with the plugin don't hesitate to get in touch with us on our Discord server.



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 27, 2020
  • Last Released File
    Apr 22, 2024
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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