Giant Trees
Giant Trees
Giant Trees is a plugin for adding procedurally generated giant trees to your world. Giant trees are generated in three ways:
- Giant trees are grown in creative/survival mode by planting saplings and fertilizing with bone meal
- Giant trees are summoned with a command
- Giant trees naturally grow when new forested biomes spawn
Tutorials in other languages:
Planting Giant Trees
To plant a giant tree in creative/survival mode, perform the following steps:
- Flatten a 5x5 area of dirt
- Surround an emerald block with two rings of saplings
- Fertilize a sapling with a stack of 64 bone meal
- Stand back
The type of sapling fertilized will determine the species of giant tree that grows.
To create a giant tree with a command, use the /tree-create or /gt command, followed by the name of the tree. Tree names are found in the plugin's data directory. For example, to summon a giant acacia tree, use the command
/gt tree.ACACIA
To edit the model for an existing tree, or create a new tree model, use the /tree-edit command. This command can only be used from the server console.
/tree-edit tree.ACACIA
Naturally Growing Trees
By default, Giant Trees will grow naturally in newly generated chunks in the default overworld (the world called "world"). To add giant trees to more worlds, increase the frequency of tree growth, or disable natural tree growth altogether, edit the plugin's config.yml.
Tree Species
For the beta the following species of trees can be summoned with the /gt command:
- tree.ACACIA
- tree.BIRCH
- tree.DARK_OAK
- tree.JUNGLE
- tree.OAK
- tree.SPRUCE
More tree species will be added in future releases.
Undoing Giant Trees
Trees summoned with the /gt command can be undone using WorldEdit's //undo
command. This feature is automatically enabled if WorldEdit is installed.
Making Your Own Giant Tree Species
You can make your own species of giant tree. Start by using the /tree-edit command from the server console, giving it the name of the tree you want to edit or create. (For new trees, ignore the file not found error). As an alternative, you can double-click the Giant Trees plugin .jar file to start the visual tree editor.
Design your tree using the visual tree editor. When you are done, click save and exit the visual editor. To add roots to your tree, create another tree with the same name as your tree, with .root added to the end. For example, /tree-edit tree.ACACIA.root. Root trees are rendered upside down in the world and scaled to match their tree.
Is your new tree really awesome? If so, PM me the model and I'll include it in the next version of the plugin.
- gianttrees.create (default OP) - Allows the creation of a giant tree using the tree-create command.
- gianttrees.grow (default true) - Allows a player to grow a giant tree by fertilizing a grid of saplings.
Source Code/Issues
This plugin utilizes Hidendra's plugin metrics system. the following information is collected and sent to unless opted out:
- A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- Plugin's version
- Server's version
- OS version/name and architecture
- core count for the CPU
- Number of players online
- Metrics version
Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.
Hi! I have a pre-filled map with using a WorldBorder. Does the giant trees generate automagically on already filled map or do I need to do something special?
We love your plugin so we decided to create a video to showcase its features!
We created a YouTube video tutorial for you, feel free to use it on your plugin info area:
We have also created a written tutorial:
You have permission to use both wherever you like :)
I decided to add this to my Skyblock/Skygrid server and it's amazing! :D
Everybody loves the new feature, thanks for the awesome plugin.
I have made no changes to config.yml or any code that uses it. All I have done is maintain the code against new versions and fix bugs (except alpha.5 which adds spruce/acacia natural generation to respective biomes).
The plugin versions I have released target a single version of Bukkit. For example, 2.0.0-alpha.3 targets Bukkit 1.9.x.
I don't make any guarantees regarding compatibility with older versions. Users have reported that the 1.9.x-targeting alphas work on 1.8.x. I have not explicitly targeted 1.8.x at all because 1.9 was out already when I began maintaining the code.
Since you're on 1.9, alpha.3 should work for you. Newer alphas may not work for you; YMMV. I'm not explicitly testing/aiming for backwards compatibility across Bukkit versions, but I do my best not to intentionally break compatibility either. As I get more comfortable with the codebase I intend to put more emphasis on supporting many Bukkit versions at once, but for now its just keeping up with releases and major bug fixes.
Is this at all backwards compatible? I notice one of the bugs you fixed was for someone on 1.8, I'm using CraftBukkit 1.9 R1 myself.. It gets to be a bit confusing with so many plug in developers either mentioning it's compatibility and lack of or completely not mentioning.. Just want to make sure :)
Great plugin and wouldn't want to have to stop using it :)
Version 2.0.0-alpha.6 has been released. It contains only bugfixes, including a bugfix for the
Cannot find legacy packet 103
error.Bug reports on Github are always welcome. Thanks to those of you who have already reported bugs!
Hi everyone!
Version 2.0.0-alpha.5 has been released. It is compiled against Spigot 1.10 and WorldEdit 6.1.3 (build #3557). The //undo functionality may not work if you use a WE build older than this.
alpha.5 also introduces natural spawning of spruce trees in Taiga biomes and acacia trees in Savanna biomes.
As always, feedback and bug reports are always welcome on GitHub!
I just released alpha.3, which hopefully will fix your issue assuming you're running ProtocolLib 4.0.1 or later. Any feedback you can provide would be helpful.
Thanks for the report, glad to hear it! FYI, I will do a recompile soon to begin formal support of 1.10. If alpha.1 works on 1.10, I would expect alpha.2 and alpha.3 to work too.
WORKING - with MC 1.10 using 2.0.0 alpha 1 - (will try alpha 2)
-- big thank you for maintaining this plugin--one of my favorites.@TigranJamiro
Does this happen every time you build a tree, or only sometimes? Also, how are you building the tree?
Another user reported this same error and I'm working on a fix, so some info on how to replicate this would be helpful.
I run a craftbukkit 1.8.8 minecraft server.
when i try to build a tree as a simple normal player, the Console of the server says "Cannot find legacy packet 103"
but the tree grows anyway
i'm using alpha 2.0 version of the plugin
The 1.x releases target Bukkit 1.7.x, and the 2.x releases target Bukkit 1.9.x. No guarantees are made regarding compatibility with Bukkit 1.8.x. I recommend you upgrade your server.
When i use this plugin for 1.8 my server is only crashing.... Again and again each time i log in... My host said it was because it was for 1.7.10
Can you please create a ticket on GitHub with what you're seeing? Be sure to include relevant error messages and stack traces. Thanks!
Someone should make a depository of user made tree's... Im really curious to see waht you others have come up with...
I relay love the plugin its working on 1.9.4 with ome errors still gives my players a lot of joy if you need somebody for testing pls let me know .. I really hope that this plugin stays giving pleasure ..
Good to know, because I didn't test it with 1.8. By the time I took it over and started updating, 1.9 was already out.
Not working for 1.8. Why did you skip 1.8?
EDIT: The 1.9 version is usable in 1.8. Oh.
@Jabberwockie666 Thanks for the feedback! Glad to hear it's performing well for you, I was actually concerned performance would take a hit since I lost some API methods in the 1.9 upgrade. Regarding your feature request, I've created issue #26 to investigate further. I don't think this feature exists in the code already, but I haven't looked that hard yet.
@KaiDaKale I'm still learning the internals of how the plugin works, but I believe this is normal behavior. I'm not aware of any randomization that gets applied when the trees are generated.
@CovertOtter I think the link you provided is enough for me to put out a fix, but a stack trace from your server would be better. Are you able to reproduce this or does it happen randomly? Also, is it only in 1.9.2 or has it happened in 1.9 as well?
having an issue with mc 1.9.2 spigot
My server throws an error:
org.bukkit.plugin.IllegalPluginAccessException Plugin attempted to register task while disabled
related to this fix: