GameMode Inventories
I'm too lazy to upload GMI files to Bukkit anymore, as builds are automatically created when the plugin is updated and changes pushed to GitHub.
For 1.18.x, please download GMI from the TARDIS Jenkins server:
GameMode Inventories allows you to have separate inventories for Creative and Survival game modes (it also works for Adventure!).
- Inventories are saved and switched automatically
- Configurable option to save and restore inventories on player death
- Configurable option to also switch XP amount automatically (enabled by default)
- Configurable option to also switch armor automatically (enabled by default)
- Configurable option to also switch Ender Chest inventories automatically (enabled by default)
- Configurable option to restrict inventory opening for Chests, Ender Chests, Enchantment Tables, Anvils, Furnaces and Dispensers in CREATIVE game mode
- Configurable option to disable players dropping items from their inventories in CREATIVE game mode
- Configurable option to disable players from picking up items in CREATIVE game mode
- Configurable option to remove potion effects when switching from CREATIVE to SURVIVAL
- Configurable option turn off the plugin's messages which can get excessive when
are enabled - Configurable option to track the placement of CREATIVE gamemode placed blocks, then either: disable them from being broken, or, allow them to be broken but not drop anything - and also prevent pistons from moving them and deny the block dropping if the attached block is broken - this MUST be enabled for a world to work. You can specify a list of blocks you don't want to track as well
- Configurable option to prevents drops from falling blocks e.g. anvils, gravel, sand
- Configurable option to prevent the breaking of bedrock in CREATIVE, set to false to prevent breaks below Y<5 in all worlds, and Y>122 in the Nether
- Configurable blacklist of blocks that cannot be placed in CREATIVE (use Spigot Material names)
- Configurable blacklist of commands that cannot be used in CREATIVE
- Configurable option to preserve custom attributes when switching inventories (player and armour only)
- Configurable options to set which GMI features can be bypassed
- Configurable option to restrict spectator gamemode access
- Configurable option to switch to a creative world when changing to gamemode CREATIVE
- Localisable messages - edit messages.yml
- Support for using a MySQL database
Created in response to this plugin request:
Featured in Curse's Minecraft Spotlights
How it works
Add the GameModeInventories.jar file to your server's plugins directory and start up the server. A config file will be created automatically with the default values.
Then all you have to do is switch game modes and your current inventory, armor and XP will be saved and your new game mode inventory will take its place.
What it doesn't do
GameMode Inventories is not a replacement for the Creative Control plugin:
- its primary purpose is an inventory management tool
- this is NOT likely to change anytime soon
- please stop asking
GameMode Inventories is an open sourced project, if you want to make the changes yourself, you are free to do so, as long as the plugin is released under the same license and conditions as GameMode Inventories.
Please do not bother posting timings for this plugin, here's why:
- See above
- I don't use any of the plugins' 'restriction' features
- You should expect to see GMI working hard if you have
enabled, this is normal, after all, GMI is watching all your players all the time, and is keeping them all in line while not bothering you. Any server owner will eventually have a problem if he pushes his hardware too much, for example by running lots of heavyweight plugins. - If you do have a problem, the solutions are to either add more RAM/cpu power, re-prioritize your plugins to drop a few you don't desperately need, reduce your max players or seriously think about why you are letting your players have Creative gamemode at all (if you can't trust them not to abuse it, then don't let them have it, or set up a creative only world).
- Finally, don't expect SQLite to be able to handle big loads - if you are running this plugin on a server with
enabled, you should probably be using MySQL as the GMI database provider
There are several config options:
save_on_death: [true|false] xp: [true|false] armor: [true|false] enderchest: [true|false] remove_potions: [true|false] restrict_creative: [true|false] no_drops: [true|false] no_falling_drops: [true|false] no_pickups: [true|false] dont_spam_chat: [true|false] track_creative_place: enabled: [true|false] break_no_drop: [true|false] no_piston_move: [true|false] attached_block: [true|false] worlds: - world dont_track: - STONE - DIRT creative_blacklist: [true|false] blacklist: - TNT - BEDROCK - LAVA_BUCKET break_bedrock: [true|false] command_blacklist: [true|false] commands: - give - i - buy - sell custom_attributes: [true|false] bypass: inventories: [true|false] items: [true|false] blacklist: [true|false] survival: [true|false] commands: [true|false] restrict_spectator: [true|false]
You can enable/disable the options with a command (all options are available via tab completion):
/gmi save_on_death /gmi xp /gmi armor /gmi enderchest /gmi remove_potions /gmi restrict_creative /gmi restrict_spectator /gmi no_drops /gmi no_pickups /gmi dont_spam_chat /gmi track_creative_place /gmi break_no_drop /gmi attached_block /gmi break_bedrock /gmi creative_blacklist /gmi command_blacklist /gmi no_falling_drops /gmi custom_attributes /gmi bypass.inventories /gmi bypass.items /gmi bypass.blacklist /gmi bypass.survival /gmi bypass.commands
There are four:
Default: true - Allow players to have separate inventories for each game mode
Default: op - Allow players to save their inventories on death, and restore them on respawn
Default: op - Allow players to bypass inventory opening restrictions in CREATIVE (when restrict_creative: true
). Also allow players to bypass the no items drops / no item pickups restriction (when no_drops: true
or no_pickups: true
). As of version 2.5.4, you can configure which features can be bypassed:
- if true players can bypass not being able to open inventories in creativeitems
- if true players can bypass not being able to pick up and drop items in creativeblacklist
- if true players can bypass not being able to place and use restricted block and items in creativesurvival
- if true players can bypass being forced into survival gamemode when changing worldscommands
- if true players can bypass not being able to place and use restricted commands- If any of the bypass options are set to false, then nobody will be able to bypass them (regardless of whether they have the permission or not)
Default: op - Allow players to change config options
Source code
Dev builds
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server.
These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
Hi there! I am a big fan of this and there's literally nothing else like it that I have found, buuuuuuut, I am having an issue with this and HeadDataBase. When a player has a custom head from Head database, and they then switch to creative, that causes the head to lose it's custom texture and revert to a steve head when they return to Survival mode (also happens if they get the head in creative, and switch to survival and back).
Are there any known work arounds for this?
could I use Gamemode Inventory and Multiverse Inventory (per world) to try to get around this or is that a terrible idea? Or is there a plugin that helps heads retain data?
can you add ?
Thank you very much for this plugin, does exactly what I need and nothing more. Has been working great for years. The Jenkins link is down, any chance of a release uploaded elsewhere?
I signed in just to tell you that this is exactly what I was looking for. I wanted to move away from relying on Multiverse Core. I haven't installed this plugin yet, but I presume it still works in 1.19.2. Thank you so very, very much!
In reply to OrphieBaby:
Probably want to grab the latest build from here:
Just another "thank you" comment, but really, excellent plugin.
Does exactly what it says on the tin. I needed an inventory switcher between game modes for my Paper server's creative world and this is working beautifully on 1.18.1. No hassle, no setup, just works immediately.
Excellent alternative for Multiverse-Inventories if you just need a game mode switcher.
In reply to Graves1986:
Thanks, glad it's still useful :)
The Jenkins link ( times out.
In reply to rautamiekka:
It's self hosted on an old Mac Mini, I'll fix it when I get home, probably dropped off wifi lol
Hey dude, is it able to disable the plugin in one world? means, that there are 2 different inventorys in the nether, but "normal" in the end, means that there is in creative and survival the same inv?
Thanks, Max
In reply to max_der_dachs484:
Inventories are separated by gamemode, if you want separate world inventories you'll need a different plugin.
Ok now I got a new question
I set restrict_creative to true and chest is in the list, but I can still open chest in creative mode
In reply to 快愛:
is this because I'm Op? but no pickup and no drop work just fine
In reply to 快愛:
In reply to eccentric_devotion:
ok thanks for reply
help, I change config file no_pickup to true but I still can pick up something I drop from creative mode when I in survival
In reply to 快愛:
would that because I'm OP? but no drop works fine
In reply to 快愛:
ok is the bypass problem nvm
I love this plugin, but am currently using MyWorlds Inventories. Any advice on transitioning to this as a full solution? The only thing we really need are separate survival and creative inventories.
In reply to Wizardgreatar:
Have never used MyWorlds, so have no idea how it saves inventories. Might be possible to write a converter, but it wouldn't be high on my list of priorities right now...