Commands and Permissions:

  • Commands:
  1. ftx can be switched out for ft or freezetag
  2. /ftx reg - this command allows the user to start a new game registration.
  3. /ftx begin <Optional time> - this command allows the user to begin the game.
  4. /ftx cancel - this command allows the user to cancel the countdown.
  5. /ftx endgame - this command allows the user to end the game in progress.
  6. /ftx delete - deletes the arena so you can make another(blocks won't be reverted, so be careful when you use this)
  7. /ftx define arena or lobby - this command allows the user to define the arena and lobby areas.
  8. /ftx generate length width height - this command allows the user to generate a temporary arena with them as the center.
  9. /ftx freeze <Player> - this command allows the user to freeze or unfreeze players with commands.
  10. /ftx forcereg <Player> - this command allows the user to force other users to register in the game.
  11. /ftx join - this command allows the user to join a game in registration.
  12. /ftx permissions - this command lists all the required permissions for freezetag commands.
  13. /ftx help - List all commands for Freeze Tag
  • Permissions:
  1. ftx.admin.reg - this permission allows the user/group to start a new game registration.
  2. ftx.admin.begin - this permission allows the user/group to begin the game.
  3. ftx.admin.cancel - this permission allows the user/group to cancel the countdown.
  4. ftx.admin.endgame - this permission allows the user/group to end the game in progress.
  5. ftx.admin.define - this permission allows the user/group to define the arena and lobby areas.
  6. ftx.admin.generate - this permission allows the user/group to generate a temporary arena.
  7. ftx.admin.freeze - this permission allows the user/group to freeze or unfreeze players with commands.
  8. ftx.admin.delete - this permissions allows the user/group to delete the arena
  9. ftx.admin.forcereg - this permission allows the user/group to force other users to register in the game.
  10. ftx.users.join - this permission allows the user/group to join a game.