The Basics:
This is my second released plugin. It's freezetag in minecraft with the option to make your own arena or let the plugin do it for you. You can also make a lobby and you don't need to define spawn points. It will teleport you to a random place in the arena or lobby to avoid stacking. You can configure what is able to be done through the config. Don't touch the arena.yml file. All commands and permissions are listed in game through /ftx help.
Starting It Up:
A basic tutorial to get you started is to give regular users the permission ftx.users.join. Then do /ftx reg to begin a new game. Have the minimum amount of people do /ftx join(by default 3). A random person(or people depending on the amount of people that joined the game) is picked to be the chaser when you do /ftx begin. The chaser is supposed to tag and subsequently freeze that target he's aiming at by punching him. His unfrozen partners in the game can unfreeze him by touching him again. The game ends when all the runners are frozen or time runs out.
Making An Arena:
You can make an arena in 2 ways doing /ftx define arena and punching the 2 blocks to define your region, or do /ftx generate length width height to make an arena that auto generates randomly with obstacles in place. It can be as big as you want for larger or smaller servers. Once the arena is made you are now free to play the game to your hearts content.
How chasers are chosen:
Chasers are chosen by picking a random person out of the group of people playing depending on the minimum amount of people required multiple chasers could be chosen. So if the minimum is 3 and you have 6 you will have 2 chasers and 4 runners. It keeps the game interesting to say the least.
Config explanation
List Item: Lists all players in game and whether they are frozen or unfrozen
defaulttimelimit: If a time isn't given at the start it will use this as the time in minutes
Minimum Players: The minimum amount of players needed in the game for it to be able to start
Commandwhitelist: The commands allowed to be used while in game
AutoStart: Whether the game will start automatically when a certain number of people join(the minimum amount of people plus half the minimum)
I can't seem to make a cuboid by punching for some reason, I do /ftx define arena and I punch and nothing happens. Am I missing something?
EDIT: I figured it out, and for anyone else who wishes to know, you need to be out of creative while punching.
Like a post said before me, it would have been cool to have ice/glass cover the players, or at least by there feet. I don't think it would have been hard to add another event upon touching the players (not only freeze) For example, get player location, type thing? And set it to place a block at the player cord? Followed by another event to remove it upon being unfrozen.
ANYWAY just a suggestion, and will be trying this out in a little while once I make some arenas. I have been looking for a freeze tag plugin for so long!
I love this concept. Do you think its possible to have the legs surrounded by ice blocks or perhaps lightblue dyed glass when frozen.. and removed when they are set free ??
Just to let everyone know, you can just give players the permission to start the game themselves. I don't have to make it fully automated because you don't want to take the 10 seconds to give them a simple permission.
How do I leave a game?
Why does the maximum only go to 5??
I can't seem to make a cuboid by punching for some reason, I do /ftx define arena and I punch and nothing happens. Am I missing something? EDIT: I figured it out, and for anyone else who wishes to know, you need to be out of creative while punching.
Like a post said before me, it would have been cool to have ice/glass cover the players, or at least by there feet. I don't think it would have been hard to add another event upon touching the players (not only freeze) For example, get player location, type thing? And set it to place a block at the player cord? Followed by another event to remove it upon being unfrozen.
ANYWAY just a suggestion, and will be trying this out in a little while once I make some arenas. I have been looking for a freeze tag plugin for so long!
I test the plugin and make you a logo for the plugin
In reply to myself, it doesn't work and I'll get to work on that right away.
It should work in 1.7.2 but I'll get to work on an update soon. I'm busy with other problems atm.
Please, would you make it Work for 1.7.2-R0.3 ... ?! And thanks for this Awesome Job ... ^_^
Can you make this automatic?
I love this concept. Do you think its possible to have the legs surrounded by ice blocks or perhaps lightblue dyed glass when frozen.. and removed when they are set free ??
The latest version will work perfectly well with 1.7.2. I just set the version on the plugin to the latest one at the time.
How is it not clear? There's not much to explain.
Is it possible to get a more in depth tutorial..? The one above is not clear at all.
1.7.2 when will it come out?
Just to let everyone know, you can just give players the permission to start the game themselves. I don't have to make it fully automated because you don't want to take the 10 seconds to give them a simple permission.
Does this auto-start?
great plugin! absolutely LOVE It!
Because this wasn't updated.(Although it shouldn't have needed one.)
If it doesn't use this plugin why are you advertising on this plugin thread?
An update has been upload(with a couple of user requested features). Enjoy. :D
Actually working on an update for this as we speak, should be out by tomorrow.