Setting Up - Ingame

Ingame we can create ranks with commands. First of all, we must create a new empty rank:

  • /rank create test

Now a new empty rank created with name "test". You use choose whatever name you want. Now, let's see what the empty rank means... it has no reuqirement nor price. The only property it has is the "command-only" flag. This means, players can't reach the rank, only that way if an administrator promotes him/her to that rank. So we created an empty rank, which is unreachable for players yet. Not set its properties. We can use this command for that:

  • /setrank test <property> <value>

We can set the playtime:

  • /setrank test 50h 25m 5s

In this example I've set the rank's playtime value for 50 hours, 25 minutes and 5 seconds. The time understanding is very flexible, so you can write "500000 mins" to "1y 5M" anything. Warning! When you use months or/and minutes the uppercase 'M' always the month, and the lowercase 'm' always means minutes. We can set more properties, which are the followings:

  • name
  • price (only numbers no '$')
  • experience ( lvl )

When we finished with the settings of the rank let's disable the command-only flag, for sign the rank as achieveable for players.


  • /rank create A
  • /setrank A playtime 40h
  • /rank set price 500
  • /setrank exp 5
  • /setrank c-o false
  • /rank rename A Member

In the example I created a rank called "Member" which is available for the players to buy when they played 40 hours already, for 500 dollars.


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