Setting Up - Files


Basically you can edit all the things in the files of the plugin in its folder. The files are the followings:, and The containts the rank declarations, there you can write which rank how works. In the config you can set the plugin's working settings, select the choosen plugins to use, and settings about autosave. There you can enable or disable the debug mode too. In the you can look at the players saved by the plugin: who has which rank. All the files have a heading, that contains when it has been saved, and why. Sure if you edit it manually in a text editor, it won't change automatically.


Under the heading the first thing we see is the debug property. It is a boolean, so you can write true or false. My loading methods are flexible, you can use true-false, on-off, yes-no, as you want, but on the next save it will change to its default format. The next thing we can set is the autosave. It means that the plugin will save automatically on specidied event, listed in the config. You can turn on or off which event fires the autosave. Now logging. Now the only one logging option is the autosave logging. If it is on it will log a line "[autosave-<type>: completed]" line after all autosave, by its type. If debug mode is on it will log the autosave start and completement, even if the autosave log option is disabled. The last but important thing to set in the config file is the collection of plugins. There you can select which Time follower and Money plugin want you use.


In the file there is not a really fix structure. You can just write the ranks each after all. The stucture of a rank:

#rankname for ex.: Member
time: 5h
link: gm:Builder
cost: 1.0
subranks: [newby]
required ranks: [newby]

I must tell you that you don't have to write all the properties for a rank. If your rank have no requirements just write its title. Depends on only the time? Write only the title, and the time under it, and so on.. not a difficulty thing. Now talk about the last line of the, because if you tried something in the plugin, runned some times, you could notice that the last line is a different thing, does not pass to the ranks. It is the rank values line. It declares which rank worth more then then others. Its structure is: "#rankvalues" keyword, then write the ranks next to each other. Now there is a series of ranks. Let's write symbols between them. The sign "<" in case "A < B" means B worth more then A. The "=" is also in use, so "A = B" means B worth the same as A. It is necessary when a player gains a rank. If the new rank worth more then the ones he already had, the new rank will be activated (through the link of the rank and the rank manager plugin selected in the file). An exmaple line:

#rankvalues: Newby < Member < Veteran = VIP < Moderator < Admin < Owner

Player database

The is the most simple file of them. It is similar to the file, the players have a '#' mark before their name, and their data in the next lines:

achieved ranks: [Admin, Elit, Lovag, Profi, Tag, Ujonc]

The achieved ranks always go into bracelets [ ] even if there is only one rank achieved.


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