This plugin requires Java 7!
This plugin allows full control over what can be caught by fishing in Minecraft as well as the chances of each catch. By default, all chances and items are set to the Minecraft default, but this plugin allows for both extra items and mobs to be caught by players if that setting is enabled. This plugin also allows users to receive messages when they catch stuff and has the option of allowing players to use the Clownfish item as "bait" on an unused fishing rod.
Broken Rod | Unused Rod |
![]() | ![]() |
Command | Description | Permission |
/fp reload | Reloads the FishingPlus config | fishingplus.fp |
/fp treasure | Spawns a treasure chest at the user's location | fishingplus.fp |
/fp test | Gives the user a fishing rod with Lure 3, Luck 3, and Unbreaking X | fishingplus.fp |
Permission | Description | Default |
FishingPlus.* | Gives access to all nodes | true for all children |
FishingPlus.fp | Allows access to /fp command | op |
FishingPlus.treasure | Allows player to catch treasure items | true |
FishingPlus.junk | Allows player to catch junk items | true |
New In [1.7.9b]
- Fixed message bug
- Added "Got Away" message for missed catches. Set to "" to disable when fishing messages are on
Found A Bug?
If you find any problems with this plugin, please let me know by leaving a comment, creating a ticket, or sending me a message. Please double check that your config.yml is set up correctly, the default values can be found under Configuration Guide. If you're sure that your config.yml is fine but the problem persists, please let me know and please include a copy of your config.yml so I can troubleshoot the problem much quicker.
Sorry, but I don't plan on making any more 1.5.2 updates.
is it possible Continue to develop the 1.5.2 version? because the bukkit 1.5.2 is a stabilizing version...
I added pages for the Possible Catches and Configuration, let me know if there's any questions!
I'll take a look at adding some permissions stuff, maybe for better catches or something along those lines.
If only there was a permission node for each catchable item or at least one node so you can give higher ranks better catch oppurtunities
i did a video review !
1. Not sure what you mean, I don't plan on adding settings to change the fishing messages. 2. Yeah, I've thought about adding a way to set the chance of each catch.
ok...thanks a lot
here has some suggest
1.can make a message.txt let we can setting? it possible set item's fished Chance?
@Arthurdes It's a known Minecraft bug.
it has Problem
the Buoy is not Sink let i know get the fish
and i use craftbukkit-1.5.1-R0.2 and FishingPlus [1.5.2b]
why has this Problem?
thanks a lot,i will try it : )
@Arthurdes FishingPlus1.5.2b will run on Craftbukkit 1.5.1.
can you make a 1.5.1 Version?
because i don't know 1.5.1 bukkit use FishingPlus [1.5.2b] will run or error
use the 7 lol
I'm sorry but your plugin does not support Java 6
You can. Its called morethanfish... Search it on bukkit or on my page
It would be nice if we could set a percentage for each object and we can add other objects as basic
You should add a lit tnt block xD
Thanks for good plugin. :)
And this is what I've waited for, thanks *.* maybe you should add something like places where fishes can't be caught using this plugin? For example I've got a special fishing area and I want this plugin to work only there?