This plugin requires Java 7!
This plugin allows full control over what can be caught by fishing in Minecraft as well as the chances of each catch. By default, all chances and items are set to the Minecraft default, but this plugin allows for both extra items and mobs to be caught by players if that setting is enabled. This plugin also allows users to receive messages when they catch stuff and has the option of allowing players to use the Clownfish item as "bait" on an unused fishing rod.
Broken Rod | Unused Rod |
![]() | ![]() |
Command | Description | Permission |
/fp reload | Reloads the FishingPlus config | fishingplus.fp |
/fp treasure | Spawns a treasure chest at the user's location | fishingplus.fp |
/fp test | Gives the user a fishing rod with Lure 3, Luck 3, and Unbreaking X | fishingplus.fp |
Permission | Description | Default |
FishingPlus.* | Gives access to all nodes | true for all children |
FishingPlus.fp | Allows access to /fp command | op |
FishingPlus.treasure | Allows player to catch treasure items | true |
FishingPlus.junk | Allows player to catch junk items | true |
New In [1.7.9b]
- Fixed message bug
- Added "Got Away" message for missed catches. Set to "" to disable when fishing messages are on
Found A Bug?
If you find any problems with this plugin, please let me know by leaving a comment, creating a ticket, or sending me a message. Please double check that your config.yml is set up correctly, the default values can be found under Configuration Guide. If you're sure that your config.yml is fine but the problem persists, please let me know and please include a copy of your config.yml so I can troubleshoot the problem much quicker.
Thanks for letting me know about this glitch, I'll fix it and have a new version up this weekend.
Hello! Players are looting enchanting books with 11 enchantments on it. That does not seems right. Is that normal, or some kind of glitch in FishingPlus?
Nope, all this plugin does is give you full control over the fishing mechanic by using the config.yml for this plugin.
Wow! Sounds cool. I'm trying it, but does a person have to join like a fishing tournament?
Sounds like a good plugin mate :)
Add a command to do a config reload
I found a way to easily allow changing catch percentages and messages so I added those features in. Aside from any possible bug fixes, this will be the last major update for 1.6.2 as I wait and see what new fishing thing will be added in 1.7. I also added in a simple RP style catch with some basic random weights, if there's anything else that you would like added to that let me know and I'll see about updating it in the future.
This may seem like a little thing, but if you could please make the text messages configurable, it would be MUCH appreciated. I'm one of those folk who happen to be very picky about grammar, spelling and such. I love the plugin, and will definitely be using it, but I'd be even happier if I could edit the messages that appear in the chat window. ;)
I'm not sure yet if I want to add the ability to set custom catch percentages. It's something I've looked at before and might do in the future, but for now I'll keep balancing the odds based on the rarity of an item. However, I might add a way for someone to put a few of their own custom items/catch percentages in as possible catches.
I suggest that It able to set custom chance for "Successful Catches", "Failed Attempt Catches" and Treasure Chest Catches" and custom drawing chance in each items for the each Catches.. What's your opinion about this?Oh nice, i test that now :).
Not sure what would be causing that error. I tried loading FishingLures on my test server and I couldn't get that error to appear.
Getting an error that I found to be in some other mods.
[SEVERE] Could not pass event PlayerFishEvent to FishingLures v1.11
Running everything on default. People seem to be getting random items as well, such as armors and even the chest. Just that same constant error.
Heyo! Great plugin. Something really needed, however, would be permissions. You have it listed as a maybe on your to-do list, but I would highly suggest you do add them. Not sure I'll be able to use this great plugin otherwise.
Thanks, mate
No, that's not an intentional mechanic. However thanks to you I noticed an issue that was affecting large groups getting "failed attempt" catches when they all were fishing at once and fixed it. Uploaded a new 1.6.2b file. Let me know if you notice any other problems!
That is something I would like to do in the future.
Very nice plugin! Nice to see people on the server actually fishing rather than complaining about not enough animals... :)
Hey can you implement like weight of the fish? for like roleplays
When I fish by myself on my test server, I get all kinds of extra drops, and the plugin works beautifully.
When I opened the server up for a fishing contest, and had 30+ people fishing, the drops seemed to all but disappear. People still got things now and then, so I knew it was working, but rare drops were incredibly rare.
Is this an intended mechanic?